The manga adaptation of the famous Capcom game Rockman ZX (Known as Megaman ZX outside Japan) This manga takes place in the 26th century, when Human and Reploids have finally reached an era of peace and harmony, and beings that is a combination of both races, the Humanoids, have already been formed. However, there are still those who oppose this peace, and such beings are branded with the common name "Irregulars" The story revolves around Vent, a boy who was orphaned in an attack of the "Irregulars" 10 years ago.
Ryotaro is a boy who loves robots and lives out in the country with his three sisters, but he's headed to Tokyo for high school. Before leaving, he runs across a humanoid military robot and has a fateful encounter with its pilot, a cute teenage girl who calls herself La Vie en Rose. Ryotaro will almost certainly meet her again in Tokyo, considering his family connection to the production of these humanoid robots--his father worked with them.
In a future not too far away, androids that look exactly like humans begin to spread across the world. The android production company SA Corp. produced Giftia, a new kind of android that has the most amount of emotion and human-like qualities out of any other model ever seen. However, due to problems in technology, the androids have a service life, and once they pass that, it gets pretty bad. For this reason, SA Corp. creates a terminal service in order to retrieve Giftia that have gone past their service life. A new employee at the terminal service named Tsukasa Mizugaki forms a team with the Giftia Isla to retrieve the other androids. This series features Michiru Kinushima as the protagonist.
Based on the iOS/Android game of the same title, Magia☆Report depicts different situations involving the playable characters in a comical way.
Space voyage, time travel, and mechanical technology to explore the unknown starry sea! After doomsday, mankind adventures into the universe. In the unexplored world, the power of space adaptors is awakened, beginning the macrocosm era.
Even though she is a baron, she is an adventurer!? Then she died in the dungeon! When I woke up, a new life was waiting for me! Is she a saint, or a misunderstanding-⁉ Sophia's splendid (?) Saint Adventure Tan, which can't be beaten later, has finally begun!
Souya is a sullen salaryman whose days are spent chasing after work deadlines all while still keeping his dream of becoming a manga artist. To him, his one and only support in life is none other than his beloved wife, Yuuka. One day, on his way back home, he was suddenly caught in an accident and before he knew it, an alien had taken hold of his body! Not only that, the evil threat of another alien is closing in on Yuuka too! Here comes Souya as "Otto-man", his superpowered husband form, as he jumps in to save his dearest wife! Have a taste of his love for wife and this world!
It’s the end of the world as humanity knew it. It’s a time where humans and humanoids co-existed. A group of elite “phantoms” are sent out on a retrieval mission. The team is tasked with retrieving a stolen parcel. The team with a 100% success rate easily retrieves their mission and completes their mission, or did they…? Insentient humanoids are humanity’s creation. Their task is to obey humanity’s commands. Humans no longer need to shed blood on the battlefield henceforward. Humanoids took their place on the brutal battlefield. Humans were safe in the rear, or were they…?
Lin Ting is a low-level maintenance worker in a future world, specializing in the maintenance of bionic robots. He sometimes secretly assembles Bionic Robots without a qualification certificate to sell them illegally.After helping a Villager customize his Robot, he didn't expect that female robot to be the leader of the underworld, Boss Wa**. After the incident was exposed, the underworld captured Lin Ting and As punishment They forced his consciousness into a female bionic body.I Rely on Technology to Cultivate Immortality, I Rely on Technology to Immortal Cultivate and Become the Sage, W Ko Kj Xixin Chng Shng, mangabuddy is a website dedicated to fans of anime, , , , video games, and cosplay. Where you may find all of your anime-related memes, recommendations, reviews, manga recommendations, character fanfiction, favorite quotations, and simply those ordinary anime things that you enjoy, particularly memes.You can , online for free at mangabuddy. Chapters are updated hourly with high-quality graphics and a full English translation. Find free translations of your favorite , and . The latest updated content on mangabuddy is now available.
From MangaHelpers: From the perspective of an alien planet with super-advanced technology and tiny (1/60th the size of a human) inhabitants, planet Earth was the perfect location to banish their worst criminals. Five of said criminals were sent to the planet to be exiled, attached to little critters like frogs and rabbits so they can never be fully active. Due to an accident, these five criminals managed to escape and attach themselves to five different girls that were nearby. The one responsible for the banishment of these five criminals now must detach them from the girls by mouth-to-mouth release. [DrCoke]
The soviet interstellar fleet is heading to a new world for humans to settle. Our protagonist has a goal. He is doing his best to become a part of the ruling class on the yet to be colonized planet while his peers are having fun in the Simulated Reality. But something wrong happens on the way there.