As a continuation of Rozen Maiden, the story starts with an older Jun, who is now a university student. While working at a bookstore as his part time job, he finds an unaddressed copy of the first issue of a weekly magazine "How to Make a Girl" containing a spring. He brings it home, and soon starts receiving further issues of the magazine by post, each issue having one part of a doll's body as a gift. One day, after putting much effort into assembling the fifth Rozen Maiden doll Shinku, he receives a notification that the publication has been cancelled, leaving him with an incomplete doll. Suddenly, he receives a mysterious text message from his old number, claiming to be the Jun Sakurada asking for help against the seventh Rozen Maiden doll Kirakisho... Note: The official title of this Shueisha edition in Japanese is ローゼンメイデン in katakana, in order to set it apart from the title of the "original" Gentosha edition, which was "Rozen Maiden" in Latin letters while katakana only served as a pronunciation aid (furigana).
After losing her parents in an accident, Chouko locked away her emotions. The one who promised to look after her until she graduated from high school was the novelist Kei, a distant relative. He also cradles darkness in his heart, and as her graduation approaches, his newest novel "Hana" (Flower) is announced, a work charged with his feelings!? This is a romance manga spun with emotion. Devastated by the loss of her parents, 12-year-old Chouko loses her will to live. After staying with several different relatives, she settles in with a handsome young writer named Kei and finds solace in tending to the flower garden. Kei's a solitary person who doesn't quite know how to deal with this emotional young woman, but Chouko's dedication eventually leads him to accept her presence. Will their mutual affection grow into something more? (from the CMX website)
From Gievmoar: A virus deal clinched in Russia on the Christmas eve. Purpose: unknown. Two clues: a mysterious lady "Maya", one of the reasons it happened, and "Bloody Monday", the keyword for the project. Then an incident happened in far-distant city of Tokyo. Fujimaru Takagi, a second year student at Mishiro Gakuin high school, is commissioned to find out the truth by the Public Security Intelligence Agency, for his great ability as a super hacker. Now, Maya approaching to Fujimaru as his high school teacher...
The return of the famous teen detective, Kindaichi Hajime. With his keen intellect and sharp wits, there is no case he cannot solve, in the name of his grandfather! Main Series: 1- Kindaichi Case Files (AKA File Series) 1992-1997 (27 volumes/19 cases) 2- Kindaichi Case Files -Case Series- 1998-2001 (10 volumes/7 cases) 3- Kindaichi Case Files -Shin (New) Series- 2004-2011 (14 volumes/8 cases/6 short cases) 4- Kindaichi Case Files - 20th Anniversary Series- 2012-2013 (5 volumes/3 cases/1 short case) 5- Kindaichi Case Files R -Returns Series- 2013-2017 (14 volumes/10 cases/3 short cases) Spin-offs: 1- Kindaichi Case Files -Short File Series- 1997-2000 (6 volumes/20 short cases) 2- Akechi Case Files 1998-2000 (2 volumes/7 short cases) 3- Takato Case Files 2013-2014 (1 volume)
To the misunderstood Seon who stole the class membership fee, Marie makes a strange suggestion instead of holding him responsible. Was it a helping hand? Winner of the Best Promoting Competition on Earth!
Faceless shadow nobles living in a vast mansion, attended by living dolls who spend much of their time cleaning up the soot endlessly emitted by their mysterious masters. Follow the story of Emilyko, a young and cheerful living doll, as she learns her duties serving as the attendant for Kate Shadow-sama. What dangers and dark secrets will she and Kate encounter, as they become more deeply involved in the inner workings of the shadows\' society?
A spin-off of 'Life', follows a woman named Itsuki Kurasawa, a police detective who lost her little sister by a dangerous criminal who has the face of an innocent angel.
The fourth year of the Meiji Era. Yukinosuke, the son of a family of the privileged aristocratic class, goes about his life covering up a worry he has, being “I have not once had an erection”. In the midst of such troubled days, he meets Sayo, the head of a family of executioners spanning back into the Edo period. After witnessing a beheading performed by her, something pitch black starts to well up inside Yukinosuke!! Sprouting from lust begins a noble romance of blood and nature!!
The story of a woman who asks the lesbian who is in love with her to kill her husband and their life on the road after the deed is done.
A 1-volume long manga containing various ridiculous and twisted oneshots. 1) Head Prolapse Elegy 2) White String 3) Mr. Urashima 4) Dream Toy Factory 5) Drafting a Water Goddess 6) Closed Hospital 7) The How and What of Excretion in the Future 8) The How and What of Future Sports 9) The How and What of a Space War 10) The How and What of Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Set in Yokohama, this is the story of a priest with a "survival wish" and a vampire with a "death wish". After hundreds of years, Mary - an immortal vampire with a death wish - finally finds out the whereabouts of Maria - the exorcist who possesses the "Blood of Maria" that can exterminate him. But, it turns out the Maria he found is not the right "Maria"! However, as Maria does inherit the "Blood of Maria", he is constantly being targeted by vampires, so constantly that he hardly has time to catch his breath... And so, Mary makes a proposal to Maria: if Maria pledges to kill him, he will protect Maria from the vampires until the threat is gone, and... The story begins! [Summary from MEGU-Scans]
Rozen Maiden 0 is set in Tokyo during Japan's Taisho Era (1912–26). It follows a clumsy girl named Okiku who moves from the countryside to work in a large western-style mansion in the imperial capital. One day, she discovers a mysterious doll in the mansion's attic.