From Manga-Updates: An adaption of Futarou Yamada's novel "Kunoichi Kokihei", this story begins the year before the Battle of Sekihagara, in the pleasure quarters of the capital. Kagerou, a real beauty who is a child of the Ootani family, meets five of the most powerful men of the Uesugi clan while serving at a brothel. But sometimes appearances can be deceiving...
In a modern country where the government is controlled by a Martial Shogun and samurai receive much respect, there lives identical twins of the Sakakido family. Kou, the brother, is very feminine, excels at cooking, cleaning, arts and crafts. Tsukiko, the sister, is masculine, loves fighting and is a combat genius. The twins learn about the Samurai High School, where men test their strength and women test their femininity, but the only way they can attend is by swapping places. If they are to be found cheating, they will be executed so they have to overcome their gender differences and maintain their secret. [vyc]
Talks about a young man that used to be nothing. One day he was fortunate enough to see an inspiring event happen, which will change the lives of him and other witnesses
Based on a Visual Novel by Minato Soft. Kawakami Momoyo is a notorious, woman-chasing, large-breasted master fighter. She and her friends at school end up in all sorts of weird situations, often involving people attempting to defeat Momoyo. Now there are new transfer students from Germany joining their class. Who are these new students, and will they fit in with the crazy bunch surrounding Momoyo?
Three powerful stories, three legends that transcend time and space, now you found them, they are yours. tales of heroes, horror, courage and the fighting skill that burns inside all of us, spread these tales my child... the tales of powerful, ambitious warriors...the tales of ...The wanderers.
This total loser, Tatsuhito, causes the legendary gang leader of the Grand Cross, Shou, to be hospitalized. He must take his place for the duration of time it takes for Shou to recover or else the Grand Cross would fall into chaos.
On the floating island of Lithos, war is ever-raging and there seems to be no end in sight as the three nations that live atop it vie for control. However, as the battles rage on, it is discovered that the crystal that makes the island's floating possible is diminishing in power and the risk of the island falling becoming ever closer to reality. Seeking to find another place to live, the three kingdoms appoint their own elite soldier, a "Dragon Rider" , to fly to the ground below in search for the utopia known as "Arcadia" where there is no such thing as war.
Young girl Yamane Rin just finishes her training and officially becomes a cabin attendant at Fuji Airlines. On her first day, she thought it was gonna be a pleasant flight. Not so fast, girl. Apart from struggling to learn how to deal with difficult passengers, Rin meets the Chief Attendant, Hanazono Hinako, who appears to be a sweet girl. However, it is just one of her many sides. In fact, she's a dauntless bucchigiri girl who becomes a completely different person after work. From Dragon&Fly Scans
In the modern age, there remain many martial art clans from long ago, all of which are vying for power. Amidst a fight, the son of a security man meets a mysterious girl who kisses him out of the blue...
Vow of Vengeance. Seventeenth-century Japan: A rebellion in the Aizu teritory has been brutally crushed, leaving twenty one brave warriors dead and most of the nuns of the local convent slaughtered. Now the surviving nuns have sworn to seek revenge. They turn to the greatest swordsman of the land to train them so they can kill the ones who slew the men and the other nuns.
Tokugawa Iemitsu struggles with his fear of death and finds salvation in the young samurai Samon of the Yagyû clan. But their relationship triggers a battle for power and respect, stirring tension between the Shogun and the Yagyû clan. In five chapters, the story depicts each of the main characters and follows their downfall as the plot unfolds.