Chao Yihun, who could only move in a wheelchair because of an accident, walked into another world and was told that he had a system. As long as the male protagonist went to attack here, he could stay in this world and enjoy the prosperity and wealth with sound limbs. In order to avoid dispersal, Chaoyi followed Qin Que’s method of “taking the loopholes” and tried his best to improve the favorability of the “male protagonist”, which led to all sorts of dumbfounding situations. He also accidentally discovered the “Original Chaoyi”. 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Lin Ci transmigrated into the otome mobile game she created and became the villainess. The only way she can go back to the real world is avoiding the harem ending and letting the heroine, Rutas, end up with one love interest. Otherwise, Lin Ci would be killed according to the plot. To survive, Lin Ci must win over the men from the heroine one by one!
A group of MMORPG players get sent into a world called Tesla. Our protagonist decides to not specialize his skill. He finds whole situation suspicious and decides to distance himself from his close friends and instead have adventures with complete strangers instead.
Ann is a book lover, and her newest addiction is a novel called Death of The Evil Duke Gerald. In the story, Duke Gerald is hated due to his cruelty but as Ann dives deeper into the story, she wonders if his demise could’ve been avoided had he not lost the people he loved. She shakes off the thought, realizing that she cannot change the story’s ending…that is until she gets transported into the novel. Ann is informed that she has 90 days to change the duke’s fate and if she fails…she will never be able to return to her world again. Blackened Duke Strategy Plan / Hei Hua Gongjue Gonglve Jihua / Hēi Huà Gōngjué Gōnglüè Jìhuà / 黑化公爵攻略计划
I accidentally kidnapped the grand duke I have a one-sided love for! I ended up accepting the grand duke’s proposal to have a contractual relationship in return for fixing this issue, but……. “Vivian. May I kiss you?” Huh? Are we kissing as soon as we started dating? “We’ll kiss, then we’ll take things further, and then let’s get married, Vivian.” ……I’m in big trouble. I don’t think the grand duke is in his right mind……! Is this relationship really okay?
For 52 years, Takumi Fujimura, a craftsman who has continued to hone his skills at a town factory, finds himself in a predicament when he has a dispute with a client and stops getting loans from banks. After many years of hard work, he finally collapses, but he awakens in a different world where he meets Frau, a girl who aspires to become a hero. With the benefit of modern technology and decades of crafting skill, can Takumi take this new world by storm?
핸드메이드 In Korea, an 89-year-old grandmother thought she would enjoy a heavenly rest in this world and relax in a good place without pain, but?! “Get up quickly, get dressed, and work!” 15-year-old grandmother, no, Hami, who returned as a maid of Winston’s own family. With her outstanding dexterity, all the writers become her fans! The handsome and cute young master, Cassian, has been bothering her, but in the eyes of Hami, who is 89 years old, he is just like a grandson and cute, and she hears the secret of her return from a fortune teller. Munchkin maid’s chaotic handmade life where you can make anything with threads and needles! Handmade
Lorraine, the daughter of an ordinary aristocrat, has maintained one hobby from her past life: fangirling over handsome idols! Plus, it seems like everyone in this new world is drop-dead gorgeous! One day, Jeremiah, the handsomest one of them all, asks her to pretend to be his lover. Of course Lorraine was going to refuse, but she is completely overwhelmed by his beauty and aura up close… Weak at the knees, Lorraine accepts his request! After all, she’s just his fan, right? A dreamy romantic comedy about a girl who loves handsome idol men! Kansho taisho kara kokuhaku sa remashita / 観賞対象から告白されました。
When Sasahara Shinta was suddenly summoned to another world with the objective of subjugating the Demon Lord, he makes full use of his cheat skill that sees people’s status and tries taking a look at the Princess who summoned him, but when he did, it says that the Hero is arranged to be assassinated after the Demon Lord’s subjugation. That’s right, this is a shitty otherworld where the Hero’s life is treated like dirt! To avoid being assassinated, Shinta pretends to submit, but…
Please have a happy marriage with me for just six months.” “What good does that have for me? “Of course we’ll give you the Reno family’s estates and fortune.” “…Let’s say you give it all to me. You said you’ll divorce me in half a year. If that’s so, what will you do afterwards?” “…There’s something I’ve been thinking about doing. I won’t be able to use the money anyway.” Clea always lied. This body will soon die. It’ll barely last half a year. After being in a satisfying marriage, Clea Reno wanted to close her eyes for the final time in a quiet place. # When I was stabbed to death, I was summoned before the Demon King and was given a six-month time limit as a villainess. “Keuk-“ My body uses up one energy when taking a step, three health when talking, 300 of my health after running for ten seconds, and I throw up blood when a third of my energy is spent. “Oh my, she’s doing that again for attention.” “It’s surprising that she carries paint wherever she goes.” “Well, His Excellency Detroit did reject her coldly.” My reputation was the worst. The Demon Lord said he’ll save my body if I get married happily, but the condition is mortifying. I have to get married to the man I’ve had an unrequited crush on, Duke Detroit. I said I’ll do anything in order to get married, but I don’t know what a “happy marriage” is… Will I be able to survive?
One day, all the students in the second grade of junior high school were transferred to another world. The princess of another world summoned them to make up for the lack of strength. Students who are threatened and decide to follow the princess are given a magical check to check their abilities. While everyone was sorted according to the results, the results of Kento Kokubun's judgment were missing. I was banished because it was judged to be useless. However, there is actually a terrible ability hidden in Kento ... Kento, a second-year middle-aged student of life-size, aims to rescue his classmates with his fellow skeleton RAW:
Mimori Touka has always been something of a background character in his high school. So when he and his classmates are summoned to a fantasy land and gifted with incredible skills, it seems like the perfect opportunity to make a name for himself. The only problem? Mimori’s skills are abysmal at best, and he’s banished to a deadly dungeon. But as he begins to test these new abilities, he discovers just how powerful he’s become. Can Mimori fight his way back to exact revenge?!