After becoming a magical girl, Oriko Mikuni befriends other magical girls at her school-and not always on initially positive terms! Complications arise when Oriko's friends, unaware they both know Oriko, fight over a grief seed, leading to someone's death...
A new masterpiece from the author of Fuan No Tane, Nakayama Masaaki. It comprises of horror stories using introspection that will unhinge you ~ best for midnight viewing!
Everyone, what's wrong? You're a little, bit strange today. Father, Mother, xx-Chan... Please say something. Why are you all different from usual?!
Utsutsu and Yume Hasegawa have been living all on their own. One day, Yume sees red butterflies and something strange happens to her body!! As the siblings are toyed with by “Pupa,” so begins their tale of heroic love... (From JManga)
The second season of Cho Seok's Tidal Universe masterpiece, Planetary Human. So… prepare yourself to be mindfucked.
Su Sheng was born with the Character Yin. A fortune teller came to her house and told her parents that she must marry a dead man or she wouldn't live over 18 years old. A few months before her 18th birthday, weird things started to happen.
From Viz: Out of nowhere, a Japanese elementary school is transported out of the world they know, and into a nightmarish wasteland. Have they gone to another planet, or is this toxic world actually a vision of Earth's future? Soon, the students and teachers must struggle to survive in impossible conditions, besieged by terrifying creatures and beset by madness. Part Lord of the Flies, part post-apocalyptic science fiction, The Drifting Classroom (1972-1974) is a classic can't-put-down manga series. It was adapted into a Japanese live-action movie (1987).
Identical twins Jeanie and Amber are new students at Greenwich Private College, that lies on the edge of virgin bushlands. The school is run by its vice-principal, who has a prejudice against twins - in fact she rejects all twins' applications.The girls are only able to get in by saying that they are just regular sisters,born 11 months apart.
Sudou, a young man who keeps having these vivid dreams of bloody battles is approached by Susuki, a shy and quiet girl. When Susuki comes to Sudou's apartment she plays an instrument of his and Sudou is transported to the year 1209, a time where he is a woman named Shut Hell and Susuki is Yurul, a mongol prince. The story takes place in the early 13th century. Genghis Khan has united the Mongolian clans and is strengthening his forces to end the Western Xia dynasty. Our heroine is a Xia soldier, feared by the Mongols and called 'the Evil One (Shut Hell)' . She, along with Yurul, Genghis Khan's unknown son, strive to preserve Xia's culture and writing. Shuto Heru won16th Tezuka Osamu Prizes 2012 (New Creator Prize).
A short fast-paced horror manga about a woman who is attacked by an ogre and rescued by an ogre hunter, who informs her that she's been cursed and the ogre has been summoned to kill her. Will the ogre hunter be successful at removing the curse, banishing the ogre, and saving the woman? Note: although this is primarily a horror manga, there is a moderate amount of nudity and small amount of explicit sex.
'Creepy Side', is a creepy and eerie neighborhood. A series of tragedies mixed with black comedy in this town begins!
In this day and age there are numerous online games you can immerse yourself in, and "Under City" is one of them. Despite the fact that this is a survival game which requires strong guts to survive, with gory scenes and corpses all over the place and hungry players after each other's blood, the "Hallow Man", an indiscriminate killer who slaughters anything and everything he comes across in the virtual world, soon begins to terrify even hardcore fans. Under City is "under siege" now, and the players are wondering...can anyone stop this deranged murderer who is ruining their free time with his bloodthirsty antics?