The story which follows the adventure of Takeo, the most unfortunate girl of the universe. Takeo goes to school and lives alone in an inn called Hyakkisô (the manor of 100 demons). The life of the young Takao will begin to change the day she sees the youkai...
From Viz: The series begins with the story of Seiya, the main hero, who is one of Athena's Knights. Seiya, along with the other Bronze Knights, must train hard to earn their "Cloths," and take on other challenges as well. Knights of the Zodiac (Saint Seiya) has been a hit in Japan (where it is known as simply Saint Seiya), as well as many European countries including Spain, France, and Italy.
from wiki: The series follow a young girl named Rakka, a newly arrived haibane (an angelic-looking being), and other characters in the city of Glie (guri), a walled city with one entrance where no one is allowed to leave. Also contains a side story written after the end of the anime. It shows the relation between Reki and Nemu (and Hyouko) after the departure of Kuramori. The colour illustrations are those supposedly by Reki. One is a scenery in her dream and the other is the portrait of Kuramori.
Ryu Shinjo is a student who is invited (forced) by his best friend to enter the world of virtual and online role-playing games (VRMMORPG). During the game and when choosing his class, Ryu decides to become a "priest", through which he can regain his health through magic and thus play alone. However, his playing style is far from what you would call a "normal priest". It is time to learn the story from Ryu, the priest who instills terror into anyone who dares to stand in his way.
The Soaring Dragon Continent is a world of summons, you can only become strong if you become a summoner! Yue Yang, an average high school boy, was suddenly transported into this world. When he woke up, he was greeted with a lot of worried faces and found out that he had assumed another person’s identity. Turns out he’s the good-for-nothing third son of the Yue Family, who had just recently drowned himself because of a failed engagement. Unlike the third son of the Yue Family who was useless in summoning, Yue Yang succeeded in making a contract with a summoning grimoire on his first try, even when the other guy failed for the past fifteen years. Others would have a headache making contracts with beasts afterwards, but countless beasts tried to gain favour with Yue Yang instead, acting like a good kid before him. Yue Yang the brat, however, didn’t feel grateful at all: “Scram, Mythical Beasts! Do you think you are cool like that? Go away from me now, I only like beautiful summons!” Even when royal families approached him for his talents, the shameless brat replied, “I’m not interested in government stuff, I’m only interested in beauties!”
Tsugawa Tatsuya just lost his parents in an accident... but he's trying not to let that keep him too down as he starts high school. While trying to obey his father's final wish for him to become an upstanding man, he ends up helping a girl who was being bullied. Despite her exceedingly cold nature, he just can't leave her alone... which may not necessarily be to his benefit, as he ends up getting wrapped up in a world where things like parasitic mind-controlling bugs exist...
Touu, a half-human youkai with a fondness for sweets, manages a pawnshop in a secluded part of town. Wan Lon, the bad-tempered young man who has become Touu's manservant in return for his help preserving his beloved sister's 'memories', gets all the troublesome jobs pushed on to him. The shop deals in human emotions. Any forbidden or irrepressible emotion that is tormenting the customers will, with their permission, be turned into crystal and pawned. Of course, it doesn't hurt that these beautiful crystals happen to be the sweet-toothed youkai's favourite food...
The regent wields overwhelming power over the court and nation, harboring ambitions as wild as those of a wolf. Zang Xiaojing, the emperor's most beloved brother, is determined to eliminate this major threat for his brother. Yet, who would have thought that in his attempt to lure the enemy deeper, he would find himself caught up in the very trap he had set?
God's come down to earth and all hell is breaking loose! Enter a world where demons seen only in dreams are real, oceans swallow cities, and the powers of the mind are preferable to guns. It is here in the "Demon City" that Kyoya Izayoi, master of the rare martial art of nenpo, wields the mythical sword Ashura in defense of beautiful Sayaka Katagiri. As the evil Dark Order and the Super Soldiers of the Special Abilities Task Force clash in a race to find the one believed to be God, Kyoya saves a member of the SATF—and lands himself smack in the middle of a mess. Meanwhile, members of the Dark Order ambush Sayaka. Can Kyoya slay the beasts and save the girl? Will Kyoya help the SATF defeat the Dark Order and their plan to destroy the world? It's nature versus the supernatural!
Cultivation Kidding Me at An Lin was hunted down by his usurer for 5 million dollars. At the critical moment when he was trying to intimidate the usurer with suicide, an immortal showed up and initiated a War God System for him. An Lin had no choice but to accept this weird system at such a life and death situation. Then everything changed! He found himself transported to an unknown continent full of ho horrible goddesses!