An unofficial addition to Yugami has no friends manga. Featuring the web-published interludes of Yugami-kun, as well as secondary works (fan-created stories) of Yuuji Yugami and Chihiro Watanuki set after the final chapter. Unofficial Fanbook created by Misumi (mr_ms_maker on X). Note: Chapters can be read in random order.
A cute HaruChiha doujin
Pairing: Viktor x Yuuri
Pairing : Victor Nikiforov x Katsuki Yuuri
Pairing : Katsuki Yuuri x Victor Nikiforov
Pairing : Katsuki Yuuri x Victor Nikiforov Sequel to Rinya\'s Summer Vacation.
Pairing : Katsuki Yuuri x Victor Nikiforov
Pairing: Yuuri x Viktor
Doujinshi collection of Yuri x Victor.