I found myself in the body of the Empress married to a tyrant emperor—one doomed to be poisoned and die. The bigger problem? After my death, this tyrant loses his mind and ruins the entire empire! With only two years left to live, I worked tirelessly to rewrite my poisoned fate while keeping the emperor’s sanity in check. All seemed well… until: \"Leah, why don’t you ask me if I’ve eaten breakfast anymore?\" \"Because you’re healthy now.\" That afternoon, he collapsed after drinking his wine. With a smile. *Wait… did you intentionally poison yourself?!*
A miserable assistant writer in one moment, and in the next I woke up as the villainess of my own drama? Hold on, aren’t all villainesses filthy rich?! But, wealth aside… If I want to escape from this world and return to reality, I have to create my own ending! Which means I’ll have to dive headfirst into that tangled mess called romance?!!
I Became the Wife of a Tragedy’s Main Lead Living alone as an abandoned princess of the Kingdom of Anzak, I discovered I was in fact in a trashy novel that appeared in my dreams one day. My half-sister was the novel’s heroine, while the male lead was well-known to be cruel and heartless. I was just an extra who died before all the drama started. Sold as a scapegoat for the Halvenkia Empire’s peace treaty, I was destined to die, unable to escape my fate. “I’m the only man in Halvenkia who’s still single. Don’t you fancy me?” But all of a sudden, the main character wants to marry me. Your first love, first kiss, and first fling are all with the heroine, but could I take them all for myself? Alexia, struggling to alter the story in order to survive. Tervion, wanting to keep her all for himself. And Ophelia, the unknown heroine. The original story has now begun to flow in a completely different direction. This is romance fantasy which covers Alexia and Tervion’s dreams and fantasies, as the only ones in each other’s eyes.
Bai Wu, who is frustrated with his life in the real world, suddenly gains the ability to see the success rate of events. Use the success rate to reach the pinnacle of life! 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As usual, I was going home from work. But suddenly I had an accident. Before I left, I heard someone’s voice in my head. [I’m Elsia Artise, please save him, please, you can do it!!] That was the last thing I was aware of before fainting. After opening my eyes, I found myself in a different place… This place was in a novel that I read before that accident happened! I already possess the body of Elsia, who will die as soon as the novel begins. There’s only one thing I can do to survive. It was following Elsia’s request and distorting the original! First, it was to save Ixion, her unrequited love, who was assassinated and killed. “Prince, I am here to warn you of the assassination that will take place today.” I succeeded in saving him by using information from the original, I just want to live a comfortable life that has nothing to do with the original. Until I received a letter… “I owe you a lot of favors. I hope you will come to the capital immediately because I want to repay this favor with a marriage.” Ixion’s marriage proposal, which I thought was the end of our relationship. “Prince, I didn’t save you so you could propose to me?” Can Elsia peacefully refuse his marriage proposal and return to her comfortable life?
As Usual, I Was Going Home From Work. But Suddenly I Had An Accident. Before I Left, I Heard Someone’s Voice In My Head. [I’m Elsia Artise, Please Save Him, Please, You Can Do It!!] That Was The Last Thing I Was Aware Of Before Fainting. After Opening My Eyes, I Found Myself In A Different Place… This Place Was In A Novel That I Read Before That Accident Happened! I Already Possess The Body Of Elsia, Who Will Die As Soon As The Novel Begins. There’s Only One Thing I Can Do To Survive. It Was Following Elsia’s Request And Distorting The Original! First, It Was To Save Ixion, Her Unrequited Love, Who Was Assassinated And Killed. “Prince, I Am Here To Warn You Of The Assassination That Will Take Place Today.” I Succeeded In Saving Him By Using Information From The Original, I Just Want To Live A Comfortable Life That Has Nothing To Do With The Original. Until I Received A Letter… “I Owe You A Lot Of Favors. I Hope You Will Come To The Capital Immediately Because I Want To Repay This Favor With A Marriage.” Ixion’s Marriage Proposal, Which I Thought Was The End Of Our Relationship. “Prince, I Didn’t Save You So You Could Propose To Me?” Can Elsia Peacefully Refuse His Marriage Proposal And Return To Her Comfortable Life?
One spring day, after the recent death of her mother, Summer decides to quit her stressful city job. She moves to a small beachside town, where she plans to use her entire life savings on two years of doing absolutely nothing. She calculates that she can subsist for this long without finding a job by leading a minimalist, free life. She finds peace and makes friends in her new environment But after a while, the walls of her home are repeatedly vandalized with death threats. Will Summer be able to catch the villain, find normalcy in her life, and make peace with herself? --- - [Original Webtoon ](https://www.bookcube.com/toon/detail.asp?webtoon_num=200360) - [Original Webtoon ](https://ridibooks.com/books/3498009766) - [Original Webtoon ](https://www.bomtoon.com/comic/ep_list/nothing_1) - [Original Webtoon ](https://www.comico.kr/comic/291) - [Original Webtoon ](https://www.mrblue.com/webtoon/wt_notwant_wz) - [Original Webtoon ](https://www.lezhin.com/ko/comic/dont_want_to) - [Original Webtoon ](https://page.kakao.com/home?seriesId=52622012) - [Original Webtoon ](https://series.naver.com/comic/detail.series?productNo=4998319)
Born a genius of herbalism. I\'ve been reincarnated NN times, promised that if I fulfill the gods\' demands, they\'ll make me a god! I can\'t stop until I create the perfect god\'s drink... It\'s a fraudulent contract. Finally, in this life, I declared a strike. I can\'t do it! No, I\'m not working!!! It was obvious. \"I\'m counting on you.\" \"Nuh-uh!\" Just like that, the dysfunctional family relationship improves. \"Take it! Go, go, go.\" <...thanks for the help.> You\'ll get a thank you here and there. Plus. \"A long-lost student sees you.\" My first disciple, my last disciple. Why isn\'t he dead?
<div class="post-title"> <span style="font-size: 16px;">To Nivea, the world seemed like an eternal winter. Her parents and maids had given her the cold shoulder ever since she was a baby. When she fell down in the snow, no one spared her a glance. It was truly a dreadful winter.</span> </div> <div class="tab-summary "> While living day to day like a doll on a display shelf, Nivea was engaged as part of a pre-natal agreement between her father and her fiance’s father. Her fiance was a Wistash. Duke Valor Wistash. As in the prelude to every tragedy, it all began with a damned love. “Love has its moments. You missed them all, and now I don’t love you anymore.” Niveia said to her fiance who had never once looked at her for the past decade, then left the Empire for the neighbouring country where she was welcomed with open arms. She didn’t expect anything there and was simply planning to live quietly but the Emperor’s attitude towards her was exceedingly friendly. “I want you to be happy. You can wish for anything and do as you please. I want to give you a season where you don’t have to be constantly wary of other people.” After meeting Arendt, Nivea’s winter began to overflow… into spring as the snow began to melt. </div>